The Alumni Advisory Council at Adelphi University offers educational, cultural, career, and social opportunities, as well as benefits and services to engage alumni in the university's activities.

The council members use their knowledge and experience to develop plans and strategies for engaging alumni. They work closely with the University Alumni Relations to ensure that all alumni stay connected and supported, promoting communication and addressing their needs.

Council Board

Arianna Savoca ’13, MBA ‘14


Lydia Neely ’14, MA ’17

Vice Chair
Lydia’s LinkedIn

Council Members

Josh Blumenthal

Josh Blumenthal, MA ’09

Josh’s LinkedIn

Abi Browne ’10

Abi’s LinkedIn

Leonard Bruno

Leonard Bruno ’11, MS ’14, CAGS ’17

Leonard’s LinkedIn

Judy Collins

Dr. Judy Collins, MA ’05

Judy’s LinkedIn


Fentyshia Daniels ’12

Fentyshia’s LinkedIn

Jamie Fitzgerald

Jaimie Fitzgerald ’14

Jaimie’s LinkedIn

David Fuller ’06

David’s LinkedIn

Danielle Gaudio-Lalehzar

Danielle Gaudio-Lalehzar ’89, MA ’90

Danielle’s LinkedIn

Travis Hill

Travis Hill ’13

Travis’s LinkedIn

Kevin Hutzel ’15

Kevin’s LinkedIn

Jonay Jackson ’23, MBA ’24

Jonay’s LinkedIn

Alex Klotsche ’17

Alex’s LinkedIn

Anthony Maldonado ‘12

Anthony’s LinkedIn 

Eunice McCoy

Eu’nice McCoy ’14

Eu’nice’s LinkedIn

Charity Munson ‘00

Charity’s LinkedIn


Zachary Naglieri ‘16

Zachary’s LinkedIn

Priya Nayar

Priya Nayar ’05

Priya’s LinkedIn

S. Michael Plaut ‘65

Michael’s LinkedIn

Alan Rothstein

Dr. Alan Rothstein ’73

Morgan Russell

Morgan Russell ’08, MBA ’19

Morgan’s LinkedIn

Natasha-Kathleen Spanopoulos

Natasha-Kathleen Spanopoulos ’11, MBA ’22

Natasha-Kathleen’s LinkedIn

Mikhail Stoliarov

Mikhail Stoliarov ’06

Mikhail’s LinkedIn



The name of this organization is the Adelphi University Alumni Advisory Council (hereinafter known as the “AUAAC” or “the Council”).

  1. The main functions of the AUAAC will be to:
    1. Act as the main advising group of Adelphi alumni to the University Alumni Relations. In this role, the Council will represent the overall body of Adelphi alumni.
    2. Support and communicate University Alumni Relations’ ongoing slate of events, programs, benefits and initiatives.
    3. Support the Adelphi University fundraising initiatives in a meaningful way and encourage others to do the same.
  1. The Executive Committee of the AUAAC will consist of the Council Chair, the Council Vice Chair, and the Chairs of each of the Council Standing Committees. The immediate past Council Chair and the current Council Secretary will be non-voting, ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. The Council Chair will serve as chair of the Executive Committee. More than one half of members of the Executive Committee will constitute a quorum for Executive Committee meetings and business. All new officers will assume duties effective September 1 of the year after appointment.
  2. Chair and Vice Chair
    1. There will be one Chair of the AUAAC and one Vice Chair.
    2. The Chair and Vice Chair will always be volunteer members of the Adelphi alumni community and will be chosen by the Director of Alumni Relations.
    3. The Chair and Vice Chair serve at the pleasure of the Director of Alumni Relations. The term of office of the Chair and Vice Chair shall be three (3) years, running concurrently with the opportunity to serve in the same office for a second consecutive term.
    4. The Chair and Vice Chair, with the assistance of the Director of Alumni Relations, will:
      1. Provide general direction and leadership by suggesting ideas for improving the operation of the Council and by recommending for consideration alumni and class activities and programs based on the awareness of University traditions, the needs of the University, the changing attitudes of its alumni, and alumni and class activities and programs being carried on at other small colleges;
      2. Create the agenda topics/questions or issues for discussion;
      3. Lead the scheduled meetings and keep the meeting on topic;
      4. Approve the creation of ad hoc committees as required;
      5. Assign projects to the AUAAC as required; and
      6. Identify and suggest new members.
    5. In absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair may lead or oversee AUAAC meetings with the assistance of the Director of Alumni Relations.
  3. Secretary
    1. The Secretary will be a member of the University staff, appointed by the Vice President of University Advancement and External Relations (ADVEX), and will provide staff assistance to the Council in preparing for all Council activities as requested by the Executive Committee. The Council Secretary will:
      1. Serve as the historian of the Association and be the custodian of the Association’s records;
      2. Keep minutes of all meetings of the Council and Executive Committee;
      3. Post all proper notices required by these Regulations;
      4. Facilitate all nominations by maintaining a list of alumni qualified to serve on the Council, having necessary forms and notifications prepared;
      5. Serve as a liaison between the Council and the ADVEX Office; and
      6. Perform all other duties incident to the office of Council Secretary.
  4. Standing Committee Chairs
    1. Chairs and Vice Chairs of Council Standing Committees (see Section VI.) are appointed by the Council Chair and will serve as members of the Executive Committee.
  5. Duties and Responsibilities
    1. The Executive Committee will:
      1. Provide overall leadership to the Council and its committees and in the conduct of all Council business;
      2. Make policies and regulations it deems advisable, consistent with this Charter;
      3. Keep informed of the needs of the University and guide the volunteer work of the Alumni Council to meet those needs, set goals based on those needs, and form ad hoc committees to respond to those needs; and as needs are filled, disband ad hoc committees;
      4. Recognize individuals who have supported the University, and plan events to celebrate good work of the Council in general;
      5. Develop an agenda for each Council meeting, including times for general sessions and special meetings of the Council, committee meetings, meetings with students and faculty, and social events. The Executive Committee will determine Council business matters to be included in each meeting;
      6. Appoint Committee members where required under these Regulations;
      7. Establish ad hoc committee(s) for a defined purpose and period, and appoint Chair(s), Vice Chair(s) and members to such ad hoc committees.
      8. Assure there are numerous volunteer opportunities for alumni who may not be on the Council
      9. Perform other duties it deems necessary consistent with these Regulations.
  1. Council Members:
    1. There will be no less than 15 alumni members of the Council at any given time.
    2. Potential members of the Council will be reviewed and approved by the Nominations and Membership Committee; the Director of Alumni Relations will issue final invitations for membership.
    3. Council members will serve a three-year term but may be invited to stay on as needed, however will not exceed three consecutive terms.
  2. Emeritus Status:
    1. Emeritus status may be granted to Council members who have served three (3), three-year terms or have been identified by the Executive Committee of the AUAAC. Individuals shall be elected through majority vote of the AUAAC, upon nomination by the Executive Committee.
    2. An Emeritus Member shall serve for a term of three (3) years and may be re-elected without limit. While the position is non-voting with regard to actions taken by the AUAAC, an Emeritus Member may:
      1. Be invited to participate in all AUAAC meetings and functions.
      2. Be called upon to assist the AUAAC in those matters where the individual’s interest, experience, and expertise will best serve the AUAAC.
      3. The number of such positions is discretionary with the Executive Committee; however, the honor will be reserved for the individuals with a record of distinguished service. Emeritus Members serve in an advisory capacity only.
  1. The Council will provide assistance, guidance, support, and feedback for ADVEX, the University President, the Provost, the Board of Trustees, or other key administrative areas as directed by the Council chair(s) and Director of Alumni Relations. The AUAAC is advisory only. As such, it will not dictate ADVEX or University policy or suggest and recommend ideas that may or may not be accepted for implementation by ADVEX or the University.
  2. Members will be required to contribute a minimum of $250.00 in annual philanthropic support for the Adelphi Fund and are asked to consider making another gift toward a fund or funds of their choosing, including participation in signature events. The Council will help secure resources for annual operations and special projects, student scholarships, community events, and the like, through annual giving and special gifts or grants. While individual circumstances will vary, all members are expected to make Adelphi among their highest charitable giving priorities.
  3. Members are expected to attend a minimum of two (2) Alumni-related events during the academic calendar year, in addition to the two (2) meetings.
  4. Council members are required to sign a confidentiality agreement and submit by the first meeting of the fiscal year.
  5. Members will serve on ad hoc committees as determined by the Chair and Director of Alumni Relations.
  6. Members will oversee and manage special projects of the Council as determined by the Chair and Director of Alumni Relations.
  1. Alumni Events and Programming
    Plan, organize, and execute alumni events and activities that foster engagement, strengthen connections, and support the mission of our University
  2. Stewardship
    Cultivate and maintain strong, positive relationships with alumni, ensuring that they feel valued, appreciated, and informed about the impact of their contributions.
  3. Nominations and Membership
    Drive alumni engagement and increase membership within the Council. Accept nomination forms and present the slate of candidates for review.
  4. Young Alumni
    Engage and support recent graduates (typically within the first 10 years after graduation) by creating programs, events, and initiatives that foster a sense of community and connection to our University.

Additional committees may be identified and added as the Council develops.

  1. The AUAAC may create ad hoc committees as necessary to carry on the work of the Council   and the University.
  2. Committees will be approved by the Chair and Vice Chair in his/her absence, and may be recommended by any member of the council.
  3. Ad hoc committees will discuss special issues that are outside of the purview of the AUAAC’s main responsibilities.
  4. Committee leadership, committee membership, and length of committee service will be determined by the Chair and Director of Alumni Relations.
  1. The AUAAC will meet two (2) times per year unless an emergency meeting is scheduled by the Chair; all meetings are mandatory. All meeting discussion topics will be determined and brought forth by the Chair and Vice Chair in conjunction with University Alumni Relations.
  2. All meetings will be held in person at Adelphi University. A Zoom link can be provided to out-of-state Council members, or others that are truly unable to attend with good cause.
  3. Additionally, ad hoc committee meetings may be held outside of the regularly scheduled meetings, and will be determined by the committee leadership.
  4. Meetings are held in the evening, outside of normal business hours.
  1. The Chair will issue the agenda, discussion items and minutes prior to the meeting unless a set of pressing issues creates a late change to the agenda.
  2. The Chair, and Vice Chair in their absence, will determine the beginning and end of each meeting.
  1. Any Council members may resign by submitting their resignation in writing to the Chair.
  2. Any Council member may be removed for cause at any time by the sole discretion by the Director of Alumni Relations and University Alumni Relations.
  3. If any member of the Alumni Council is absent from two (2) consecutive regular meetings, without notification to University Alumni Relations, they may be recommended for removal by the Director of Alumni Relations in consultation with the Chair.
  1. Consideration will be given, in the membership selection process, to select individuals that reflect the diversity of the College and its alumni population, and its wide range of affinity groups, class years, and conferred degrees.
  2. Applications for the Council may be submitted at any time throughout the year. In order to be considered for the three-year term by the Nominations and Membership Committee, applications must be submitted by the end of April of each academic year.
  3. Each year, on or before June 1, the Nominations and Membership Committee will present a slate of candidates for review by the Council.
  4. The Nominations and Membership Committee and University Alumni Relations will ascertain the eligibility and secure the acceptance of each applicant.
  5. The Nominations and Membership Committee will conduct a vote of the nominees prior to the fall Council meeting, wherein final nominees are presented.
  6. Applicants are contacted by the Director of Alumni Relations and invited to accept the invitation and join the Council.
  1. Chapters or Affinity Groups will exist only with the approval of the Council and University Alumni Relations.
  1. Amendments to this Charter will be passed if approved by a majority vote of the Council members that are in attendance at any meeting.
  1. The fiscal year of the Council and University will begin on September 1 and end on August 31.

Job Description

Members of the Council serve as advocates and ambassadors for Adelphi University and its mission, beliefs and policies. In those efforts, Council members will:

  1. Advise and consult with the University Alumni Relations on matters and issues of concern.
  2. Be knowledgeable ambassadors for Adelphi University and the Alumni Advisory Council.
  3. Regularly attend meetings of the Council and actively, attentively and appropriately participate in the matters that come before those meetings.
  4. Actively participate on standing committees and ad hoc committees.
  5. Support the efforts of the University based on the briefings provided at Council meetings and other personal experiences or feedback received from alumni.
  6. Represent the Council by attending at least two University signature events and alumni office-sponsored events or programs annually.
  7. When appropriate, assist the University and/ or University Alumni Relations in the planning, coordinating and facilitating of such events.
  8. Members will be required to contribute a minimum of $250 in annual philanthropic support for the Adelphi Fund and are asked to consider making another gift toward a fund or funds of their choosing, including participation in signature events.
  9. Initiate outreach to and seek engagement with fellow alumni through programs and events.
  10. Respect the confidentiality of all information obtained in one’s role as a Council member.
  11. Members will carry out the intention of “advisory”: inquiring, informing, suggesting, recommending, and evaluating.
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