Show your Panther Pride by supporting Adelphi’s brand new, alumni-owned business directory!

Adelphi University Alumni-Owned Business

This directory is provided as a resource to our community to promote the support of alumni-owned and affiliated businesses, as well as encourage networking among its members.

If you would like your company to be considered for inclusion in the directory, please ensure that your business meets the eligibility guidelines below. If it does, then complete this Alumni BusinessDirectory Submission Form.

Your business must:

  • Be independently owned and operated by an alumnus/alumna of Adelphi University.
  • Maintain a functional website.
  • Be in accordance with Adelphi University mission and values.

*The Alumni Office has the right to remove a business listing at any time*

Don’t forget to sign up to receive your Adelphi University Alumni-Owned Business window cling!

Health and Wellness

Find medical professionals, fitness, wellness, counseling, and home care services, all to help you be your healthiest self.

Get Strategic

Get the word out about your business with advertising and marketing, stay efficient and connected with business and IT services, and find the right manufacturer for your company’s needs.

Venture Out

Treat yourself to lunch or dinner out, some gourmet goodies, or an outing to a local arts or entertainment venue.

Get Away

Plan your next vacation or long weekend with the help of these travel, transportation, and lodging businesses.

Home Sweet Home

Spruce up your home and garden, pamper your pets, and get going on that home repair to-do list with these professional services.

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Nexus Building, 200
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