Fee rates for the academic year are set each year by the Board of Trustees of Adelphi University.

2023–2024 Academic Year Rates for Fees and Charges

Students who take any courses held at the Garden City campus will be governed by the on-campus tuition and fee rates.

University and Technology Fees

University fees cover the use of all academic and recreational facilities and services — including recreation and sports, health services, counseling and career services — and provides for security, shuttle transportation services, and accident insurance for all students.

The technology fee is used to maintain a wireless campus, provide web and eCampus services, allow students access to hundreds of PCs and Macs across campus, as well as the latest smart technology in classrooms.

Library Resources Fee

The Library Resources fee provides access to timely relevant research materials, including essential databases and publications and the technology to assess them. These resources are vital to the world-class academic experience we provide at Adelphi.

Student Activity Fee

The student activity fee is allocated and disbursed by the Student Government Association to recognized student groups.

Housing Fees

We have a variety of living options to fit your budget and lifestyle.

Course Fees

Certain courses have specific fees associated with them that are not reflected below. Please refer to the course catalog for more information.

Other Fees and Charges

Application Fee Cost
Undergraduate $50
Graduate $50
Continuous Matriculation Fee $125
Continuous Matriculation Fee with Advisement (Social Work) $3,885
Criminal Background Check Fee (When Required) $100
Deposits Cost
Tuition for new students (nonrefundable) $300
Graduate program deposit $200
Room and board $300
Graduate reapplication/late filing fee $25
Learning Resource/Bridges Program (additional) $250
Late Registration Fee Cost
Undergraduate $160
Graduate $55
Orientation Cost
First-year students (fall semester only, nonrefundable) $325
Transfer and first year students (spring semester only) $85
Other Charges Cost
Health Insurance $3,995 ($1,572 Fall and $2,423 Spring)
Off-Campus Registration Fee $125
Registration Reinstatement Fee $150
Summer Registration Fee (nonrefundable) $125
Summer Technology Fee (per semester) $160
Withdrawal Fee $125
Course Audit Fee $450
Transcript Fee (per copy) $10
Uncollected Check (returned by bank) $25
Bridges to Adelphi (per semester) $5,095
International Student Service Fee $75
Learning Resource Program Fee (per semester) $5,645
Learning Resource Program Fee (summer, per session) $1,587.50
Learning Resource Summer Transition Program Fee (incoming, first-year students) $1,135
Music Private Instruction (per semester) $1,310
Music Private Instruction (summer) $385
Social Work Graduate Activity Fee (10 or more credits) $20
Social Work Graduate Activity Fee (fewer than 10 credits) $15
International Education Fee – Semester-long study abroad program $300
International Education Fee – Faculty-led study abroad program $150

See Other Fees and Charges for the 2022-2023 academic year

The information contained on this site is subject to change without notice.

Phone Number
More Info
Levermore Hall, 008 LL
Spring Semester Hours
In-Person Payments
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