Federal and Institutional Verifcation
Please note: The Information provided is subject to change due to the modifications being implemented for the 2025-2026 FAFSA
What Is Verification of FAFSA and Why Was I Selected?
Once a student completes their Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA), the University receives it 3-5 days later in the form of an Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR). Once received, the ISIR is reviewed by a financial aid processor for accuracy. When a student is selected for verification, it does not mean that there is necessarily a problem with their application. Usually selection is random or due to inconsistencies within the data provided, thus the information must be verified.
How Will I Know If I Was Selected for Verification?
If a student is selected for verification, students will have notification on eCampus in the CLASS under the My Financial Aid menu. A student can also see that they’ve been selected for federal verification by reviewing the comments section of their FAFSA Submission Summary. They will receive the FAFSA Submission Summary by email after they submit their FAFSA. The FAFSA Submission Summary will be a summary of the application that they submitted to the Department of Education.
What Happens If I Do Not Complete The Verification Process and What Documents Are Required?
The verification process is important to complete if selected because without it, Adelphi will not be able to finalize a student’s College Financing Plan (CFP). Students will be unable to receive most forms of financial aid — Including the Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, Federal Work Study and Federal Direct Loan(s)— until the verification process is completed. For first-year students, if they don’t submit or correct all required documentation, the One-Stop will revise their financial aid package and only disburse the aid they are eligible to receive. Once they complete the verification process, the other forms of aid may be reinstated.
To complete the verification process, the following documents may be required:
- Prior-Prior Year Tax Returns
- Verification Worksheet
- Household Size Information
- Asset Information
- Citizenship Documentation
- Education Credits
- Number in College
- Verification of Non-Filing Status and Any Wages Earned From Work.
All documents can be submitted through mail, email, or fax via the contact information below. All information in question must be resolved within 10 business days in order for the One-Stop to generate a College Financing Plan (CFP). After completing the requested form(s) and/or making the necessary adjustment(s) to the FAFSA directly, the College Financing Plan (CFP) will be constructed in approximately 4-6 weeks.
Please Note: Verification can result in changes to the student’s financial aid eligibility.
Institutional Verfication
During a review of the FAFSA application, we may request additional data items that are not required for federal verification. In these cases, students will be required to submit documentation to One-Stop to confirm or clarify information reported on the FAFSA Until the requested documentation is received and reviewed, these students will not be eligible for financial aid.
Verification Deadline
The final deadline for federal verification is the student’s last day of attendance during an academic year or June 30 of the academic year, whichever comes first. Students submitting documents after the final deadline will not be eligible for financial aid for that year.
Common Errors Made on FAFSA Resulting in Federal and/or Institutional Verification
You didn’t report information about your parents because you indicated that you have an unusual circumstance. Review the 2025-2026 Dependency Override packet on our website and submit to One-Stop Student Services Center with all necessary documentation for review.
The Federal government was not able to confirm the status of your citizenship. In order to receive financial aid, you must present, in person, your signed ORIGINAL citizenship documentation showing you are a citizen or eligible non-citizen (i.e. birth certificate, signed & valid U.S. passport not expired, certificate of naturalization or front and back of your alien registration card). Your financial aid will not be finalized/disbursed to your account until we have the required documentation. If you are unable to visit us in person, you are welcome to submit a copy of citizenship to our office for a preliminary College Financing Plan, and then submit your original at a later date. Please note, employment authorization if not sufficient for federal financial aid purposes. For further information, please visit StudentAid.gov and your FAFSA Submission Summary.
The Federal Government indicated your parent(s) reported receiving an exemption for foreign income. Your parents Federal Tax Return(s) from 2023 must be submitted for review along with the conversion of income earned into U.S. Dollars in order to have your financial aid eligibility reviewed. For further information, please review your FAFSA Submission Summary.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs did not confirm that you are a qualifying veteran for purposes of receiving federal student aid for the 2025-2026 school year. If you believe you are or will be a qualifying veteran, submit a copy of your DD 214 Certificate of release or Discharge from Active Duty (military separation form). If you are currently serving on active duty in the U.S. armed forces for purposes other than training, select “Make a Correction” to update your FAFSA information. If you are not and will not be a veteran, you must also correct your information.
The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) database indicates that you are in default on one or more federal student loans which makes you ineligible to receive any federal student aid until you resolve your loan default(s). We urge you to contact your loan servicer(s) to resolve your default. If you have repaid the loan(s), obtain documentation that the loan(s) identified as being in default is the loan that was paid off and submit to One-Stop Student Services Center to have your financial aid eligibility reviewed.
The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) database indicates that you received one or more overpayments of federal student aid funds. You are required by law to repay any federal student aid funds to which you were not entitled. You are not eligible to receive additional federal student aid until you resolve your overpayment(s). Once resolved notify, One-Stop Student Services Center to have your financial aid eligibility reviewed.
The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) database indicates that you are in default on one or more federal student loans and that you received one or more overpayments of federal student aid funds. You are not eligible to receive additional federal student aid until these issues have been resolved. Once resolved notify, One-Stop Student Services Center to have your financial aid eligibility reviewed.
Your 2025-2026 FAFSA Submissions Summary indicated you need to resolve your Federal Pell Grant overpayment(s), call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115 or write to the U.S. Department of Education, P.O. Box 5609, Greenville, Texas 75403-5609. Once you have resolved your Federal Pell Grant overpayment(s), please provide documentation to One-Stop Student Services Center.
Your 2025-2026 FAFSA Submission Summary indicated you need to resolve your Federal Supplemental educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) overpayment(s), call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115 or write to the U.S. Department of education, P.O. Box 5609, Greenville, Texas 75403-5609. Once you have resolved your Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) overpayment(s), provide the documentation to One-Stop Student Services Center to have your financial aid eligibility reviewed.
Your 2025-2026 FAFSA Submission Summary indicated you need to resolve your Federal Perkins Loan overpayment(s), call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115 or write to the U.S. Department of Education, P.O. Box 5609, Greenville, Texas 75403-5609. Once you have resolved your Federal Perkins Loan overpayment(s), provide the documentation to One-Stop Student Services Center to have your financial aid eligibility reviewed.
Your 2025-2026 FAFASA Submission Summary indicated you need to resolve your Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant overpayment(s), call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115 or write to the U.S. Department of Education, P.O. Box 5609, Greenville, Texas 75403-5609. Once you have resolved your TEACH Grant overpayment(s), provide the documentation to One-Stop Student Services Center to have your financial aid eligibility reviewed.
Your 2025-2026 FAFSA Submission Summary indicated you need to resolve your Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant overpayment(s), call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115 or write to the U.S. Department of Education, P.O. Box 5609, Greenville, Texas 75403-5609. Once you have resolved your Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant overpayment(s), provide the documentation to our One-Stop Student Services Center to have your financial aid eligibility reviewed.
Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) database and your grade level, we determined that you may have received a total amount of federal student loans (graduate and/or undergraduate) that exceeds the loan limits established for the federal student loan programs. As a result, you are ineligible for any further Federal Direct Loans. If you have now repaid these loans in full or in part, you must submit supporting documentation to One-Stop Student Services Center to have your financial aid eligibility reviewed. You can contact the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) at 1-800-4-FED-AID for information regarding your loan amounts, loan holder/servicer, etc.
The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) database indicates that one or more of your federal student loans have been discharged based on a determination by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that you are unemployable due to a service-connected disability. At this time, you are ineligible for Federal Direct Loans, unless a statement from your physician certifying that you are able to engage in substantial gainful activity and a statement, signed by you the student, acknowledging that the new Title IV loan obligation cannot be discharge din the future based on any impairment present when the new loan is made, unless that impairment substantially deteriorates so that you the student, once again totally and permanently disabled.
The Department of Homeland Security’s United States Citizen and Immigration Service hasn’t confirmed the validity of I-Number, which is needed to receive federal student aid. Log onto StudentAid.gov, review your FAFSA application, select “Make a Correction” to review or update your information and submit your FAFSA application for review.
The Department of Homeland Security did not confirm your status as a noncitizen in an immigration status that is eligible for the types of federal student aid for which you have applied. You must submit proof to your college’s or career school’s financial aid office confirming your noncitizen immigration status. If you do not submit proof within 30 days, you may not be eligible for federal student aid.
You didn’t report information about your parents because you indicated that you are an unaccompanied youth and homeless, or an unaccompanied youth at risk of homelessness. Submit a copy of the paperwork from your high school or school district’s homeless liaison declaring that you were an unaccompanied youth who as homeless or self supporting and at risk of being homeless at any time on or after July 1, 2024. If you are unable to provide us with the requested documentation, please log onto your 2025-2026 FAFSA and make the appropriate correction(s) to your dependency status, include all parental information and resubmit your application for review.
The U.S. Department of Education has determined your 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is missing information and therefore cannot be processed without your immediate attention. Review the FAFSA Submission Summary and make the necessary corrections to your FAFSA. Once Adelphi University receives an updated 2025-2026 FAFSA we will review for processing if data is valid.
On your 2025–2026 FAFSA, you (the student) answered a question that appears to conflict with your academic status reported by Adelphi’s Admissions office. Please review your response to ‘When the student begins the 2025-26 school year, what will their college grade level be?” and make the necessary correction.
On your 2025–2026 FAFSA, you (the student) answered a question that appears to conflict with your academic status reported by Adelphi’s Admissions office. Please review your response to ‘Will you have your first bachelor’s degree before you begin the 2025–2026 school year?’. If you do have a bachelor’s degree, contact the Office of Admissions, submit any required documentation and update One-Stop Student Services Center. If you answered the question incorrectly, correct and resubmit your FAFSA.
Once all documents are reviewed further information may be required.
How Do I Know If I Completed the Verification Process?
Once the documents are submitted and processed, students will soon be able to utilize their student portal to receive status updates on their application. As of right now, students will receive this information through their PFAP sent to them via mail. Any errors in the financial aid application will be corrected electronically.