Your College Financing Plan provides an estimated overview of the cost of attendance and your financial aid for one year at Adelphi University.

Example of CFP document

Example of College Financing Plan document

Please use the guide below to help you understand the breakdown of your potential expenses and the financial aid you will receive.

This is not a bill; rather an estimate to help you understand what you may have to pay to Adelphi.

If your housing status or the amount of credits you’re taking changes, this may affect your financial aid. Please contact the One-Stop Student Services Center with any changes.


College Cost Transparency Partner Seal
College Cost Transparency recognizes Adelphi’s commitment to transparency and clarity around communicating student financial aid offers

Step 1

These are your direct cost to Adelphi University. This includes tuition and fees and housing if you are living on campus. 

Step 1: estimated Direct Cost section of the College Financing Plan

Step 2

Scholarships and grants are types of aid that do not have to be repaid. They may take the form of Adelphi University scholarships or need-based grants, federal or state grants, or outside scholarships. Application deadlines may apply to certain types of aid.
Step 2: Gift Aid: Grants and Scholarships (Repayment is Not Required) section of the College Financing Plan

Step 3

This is your estimate of what you will owe Adelphi minus gift aid you received.
Step 3: Your Estimates Direct Cost Minus Gift Aid section of the College Financing Plan

Step 4

These are your Federal Direct Loans that are awarded to you. If you wish to borrow, you must complete an electronic Master Promissory Note (MPN), along with the Entrance Counseling session at to make sure your loan funds are credited to your account.

Step 4: Load Aid Repayment Required section of the College Financing Plan

Step 5

This is your estimate of what you will owe minus gift aid and loans if you borrow.

Step 5: Your Estimated Direct Cost Minus Gift Aid and Loans section of the College Financing Plan

Other Costs You May Incur

These are just estimates of additional costs that may come up during your time as a student, for example, books, supplies, transportation and personal expenses. These are not paid to Adelphi.

Other Costs You May Incur section of the College Financing Plan

Estimated Cost Of Attendance (COA)

It is calculated by the following:

Your Direct Cost (found in Step 1) plus (+) Your Indirect Cost (found in Step 6)
And then subtracting (-) Your Gift Aid (found in step 2). THIS equals your Total Net Price.

Your Total Estimated Remaining Cost is calculated by taking your Total Loan Aid (found in step 4) and subtracting (-) the Total Net Price.

This is the estimated remaining cost to attend using both gift AND loan aid if you choose to borrow.

Estimated Total Cost of Attendance (COA)

Options to Help Pay the Remaining Cost

Federal Work Study is an opportunity to work on campus. Earnings will go directly to you.

PLUS and private loans are additional options to help pay for educational expenses not covered by financial aid.

Options to Help Pay the Remaining Cost section of the College Financing Plan

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More Info
Levermore Hall, 008 LL
Spring Semester Hours
In-Person Payments
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