We know that parents and guardians often play a vital role in supporting a student’s Adelphi experience — not only academically and socially, but also financially.

The One-Stop Student Services Center is here to guide you and your student through the financial aid process, to assist in identifying scholarships, grants and loans, and to provide ongoing advice in managing the costs of an Adelphi education. We’ll share resources to help you better understand the ins-and-outs of your student’s financial aid and billing.

Bilingual counselors are available.

Application Process: FAFSA

To be considered for Federal financial assistance, all students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) beginning on or after October 1 each year. Priority filing dates do apply. Students can apply for financial aid either online via studentaid.gov/fafsa. These tools will provide detailed instructions on completing the application and guide you through some of the questions you may have (e.g., Is My Parent a Contributor when I fill out the FAFSA? and Does the value of my primary residence get reported?).

  • March 1: New and continuing student FAFSA is due.
  • June 1: New transfer and midyear student FAFSA is due.


A Note on Privacy: FERPA

Your student’s educational records are covered under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This federal law protects the privacy of student educational records, and limits the information that can be disclosed to parties other than the student. For this reason, all correspondence is sent to the student. We’re unable to release information like grades and financial aid information to parents and guardians without the student’s consent.

College Financing Plan

This official document sent by the One-Stop Student Services Center, lists all awards—grants, scholarships, loans and work —offered to your student for an academic year. It also lists terms and conditions and the cost of attendance. This is not your student’s bill. It is meant to be a tool that helps you think through all possible costs that may be encountered during an academic year.

At times, your family may experience an unexpected change to your financial situation. In these circumstances, you may appeal for a re-evaluation of your student’s aid. All special circumstance appeals are reviewed only when an initial College Financing Plan is issued and all additional documents are received.

Billing and Payment Options

Your student will receive an email—to their Adelphi Gmail account—notifying them that their statement is available to be viewed through CLASS on eCampus. This bill reflects your student’s charges less anticipated aid (scholarships, grants and loans) and will display the balance due for the semester. We offer several payment plans and loan options to give you personalized financing choices. Federal Work-Study is not deducted from the bill since the student receives a paycheck for hours worked.

The information contained on this site is subject to change without notice.

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More Info
Levermore Hall, 008 LL
Spring Semester Hours
In-Person Payments
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