Adelphi University is ranked in the top 20 percent of colleges that offer exceptional benefits and resources for veterans and active duty military.

Eligibility For Educational Benefits

The Veteran’s Administration (VA) determines the type of benefits (Chapter) for which the veteran is eligible.  All questions about your eligibility should be directed to the VA for resolution.

Eligibility under each chapter is different.  The amount of the benefit and the length of time for which the veteran is eligible to receive the benefit is determined by the VA according to the rules established by the legislation governing the respective chapter.

Rules and Responsibilities

All students must present their Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or Explanation of Benefits to the VA School Certifying Official (SCO) in the Office of the Registrar.

If your veteran’s benefits are paid to you (not directly to the university), it is your responsibility to make sure the school receives payment for your outstanding balance.

If your tuition and fees are not fully covered by scholarships, grants, and VA benefits, you are responsible for paying the difference.

If your charges are covered in full by scholarships, grants, and VA benefits, and you are the recipient of a Federal Pell grant, you will receive a refund for the amount of the credit created on your account.  If you choose to take federal loans, they may also create a credit balance that will be refunded to you. If you are a NYS TAP recipient and your tuition is covered in full by your VA benefits, you will not be eligible to receive the TAP award and it will be returned to NYS.

All changes in enrollment will be reported to the VA by the Office of the University Registrar.  Any changes in enrollment may result in a change in the amount of the educational benefit.

If there is an overpayment by the VA, the university must wait until we are notified by the VA that the overpayment must be returned.  If we do not receive notification within 90 days the credit will be refunded to the student.  The VA may then begin proceedings to collect the overpayment directly from the student.

Chapter 33: Post-9/11 GI Bill®

The majority of students currently enrolled are covered under Chapter 33.  Students covered under Chapter 33 can be eligible to receive up to 100% of the annual maximum benefit (established each year on August 1st) based on the charges for the number of credits for which you have registered each semester.  The amount set by the VA as the annual maximum may NOT cover all tuition and fees.

The maximum length of time covered under Chapter 33 is 36 months (essentially four years of full-time attendance).

The amount covered is calculated by deducting all other scholarships and grants (except the federal Pell grant) from the total of tuition, required university fees and course fees.

Yellow Ribbon

The Veteran’s Administration will determine who, among Chapter 33 recipients, is eligible for the Yellow Ribbon program.

Only Chapter 33 recipients designated as eligible for 100% benefits may receive Yellow Ribbon awards.

This designation does not guarantee you will receive this benefit as eligibility is calculated by deducting all other awards, including the basic Chapter 33 award received from the cost of tuition and fees.  If there is a balance remaining, the VA will cover 50% up to $4,000, matched by the university, for a potential total of $8,000.

The combination of Chapter 33/Post -11 benefits, grants and scholarships plus Yellow Ribbon cannot exceed the total cost of tuition and fees for the academic year.

Download the Tip Sheet for Military and Veterans from the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA).

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Levermore Hall, 008 LL
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Services are virtual during Spring Break (March 15-23).
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