Encourage self-advocacy

Successfully supporting your student in the transition from high school to college is crucial to their ability to advocate on their own behalf. A significant part of the role of the Student Access Office (SAO) is to assist students with this transition. Please advocate on our behalf and encourage your student to engage in the interactive process with SAO so we can appropriately assist them.

Assisting your student with scheduling a meeting

If you are in the process of researching higher education institutions with your student and have not yet committed to a college of choice, please feel free to reach out to the Student Access Office for an Information Session, wherein we welcome both students and families.

However, once a student has committed to the University they are required by law to engage directly in the interactive process regarding ADA accommodations. Encourage your student to work with SAO directly throughout the petition process, including any Intake Appointments or Follow-up Meetings scheduled with SAO.

Focus on the simple things you can do throughout their entire college career

Continue to be a support for your student. Ask questions. Applaud successes. Keep in good contact. Ask about socialization and the impact, if any, on academics. Look for red flags of concern and be prepared to ask difficult questions. Once a student has formally committed to attending the University and is enrolled in classes, you can assist us further by ensuring they are checking their Adelphi email account for correspondence from SAO regularly.

Phone Number
More Info
Ruth S. Harley University Center, 314
Office Hours
Testing Center
Located in Ruth S. Harley University Center, 323
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