Date & Time: September 10 9:00am – 1:00pm
Location: Ruth S. Harley University Center, Rooms 213-216

Skin cancer is the leading cause of cancer in the U.S., and early detection is important.

Join the Office of Human Resources for a skin screening, where you will learn the importance of self-examination and the components of skin health. A nurse will observe as participants perform a self-inspection of their skin from scalp to feet for abnormalities or suspect growths, moles, etc. This is not a diagnostic exam and undressing is not required.

Appointments are scheduled at 10-minute intervals. Attendees receive a free sunscreen and will be entered in a drawing for prizes. Participants learn the importance of self-examination and work with a nurse who will observe as they perform a self-inspection of their skin.

Contact the Office of Human Resources at with questions.

Sponsored by the Office of Human Resources.

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