
“Knowledge: Paving the Way to Empowerment” is the fall 2023 Breast Cancer Awareness slogan of the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program.

The campaign encourages women to take care of their breast health in three ways: getting a mammogram, learning about breast cancer programs in their community and talking to someone who can help. When people call the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program, volunteers, who are breast cancer survivors, can direct them to resources and listen to them when they are troubled. “We are a shoulder to lean on,” says program director Reyna Machado.

Since 1980, the program, a project of the Adelphi University School of Social Work, has provided New Yorkers with information and emotional support as they battle breast cancer. The hotline, which operates every day of the year at 800.877.8077, is staffed by breast cancer survivors—women and men who have gone through a diagnosis of breast cancer and emerged to help others on their journey.

“We want to let New Yorkers know that we are here and always ready to help,” says Machado. The program can be reached by phone at 800.877.8077 or online. You are not alone.

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