Date & Time: October 25, 2023 4:30pm – 6:00pm
Location: University Center Rooms 113-115

Alison Stigora creates incredible artworks that explore the relationships between physical spaces, materials, and the body. 

Her work uses natural and found objects, often focusing on the human scale compared to her pieces and invites viewers to stop and pay heed of their environment. This visiting artist lecture we’ll be hosting Alison Stigora, whose work explores relationships between physical spaces, materials, and the body. Often using found and natural objects, her work evokes awareness of human scale within the expanse of the natural and constructed world. Emphasizing transformation of familiar materials, Stigora creates worlds simultaneously vast and intimate, inviting viewers to pause and notice themselves and their environment in new ways.

Headshot of Alison

Stigora lives and works in Seattle, USA and holds her MFA from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Previous installations include projects at the Philadelphia International Airport, Nes Artist Residency (Iceland), Arte Sella (Italy), Blackfoot Pathways Sculpture Park (Montana), and the Domaine de Chaumont sur Loire (France).

For any questions please contact Liz Fargnoli at or 516.877.4460. 

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