The use of MFA helps to protect the university from potential hackers, reduces the impact of accounts being compromised by more than 50 percent, secures faculty research and can potentially reduce the need for password updates.

What is MFA or 2FA?

MFA, sometimes known as 2FA (two-factor authentication), is an industry standard for securing data and applications where a combination of two or more credentials are required to verify a user’s identity for login.

Duo Features

Applications and Services Using Duo

Employees accessing CLASS, eSAAS, SAAS, Slate, EAB Navigate, Maxient, Tableau, or Data360 will be prompted to authenticate with Duo after entering their username and password. There will be only one prompt per device every twelve hours when accessing these critical services from off campus. You will not be prompted for the second factor when you are on a campus network.

The Duo App

To use MFA you must install the Duo app on your smartphone. Part of self-enrollment is to download an app to your smartphone.  Self-enrollment takes less than two minutes for most users. Please see First-time Enrollment in Duo for more information. It is best to always use Duo Mobile Push verification requests on iOS or Android devices.

Who Can Use Duo at Adelphi?

MFA service is only available for use by employees with business needs to access administrative applications and data.

Requesting Access

If your work requires you to access administrative applications and data then you will automatically be prompted to self-enroll during your first login. The Duo  MFA integration uses Single Sign On (SSO) so you will enroll with your Adelphi employee email and universal password. It is strongly suggested to set up Duo Mobile Push verification requests on iOS or Android devices.


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  • Summer Hours: June 3-August 11 Mon-Thu: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm Fri: 7:30 am - 1:30 pm
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