Internal Revenue Service Virtual Recruiting Event
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The Internal Revenue Service is currently hiring and is holding virtual recruiting events.
How well do you really know us?
We may just surprise you, because we’re more than just the nation’s tax collection agency. We’re an organization that has been part of events that have helped shape the nation we serve. And, though our history can show you where we’ve been, we’re always focused on the future.
So if you’d like to make a change in your career, one that comes with a worthwhile mission where you can put your experience to use, gain valuable new skills and enjoy exceptional career prospects, you’ve come to the right place.
Make Your Future Count!!
You may not be ready to step into a career right now, but if you want to use your talents to make a difference for America, you’re looking in the right place. We want the IRS workforce to be excited about the future and, as one of the nation’s largest and most diverse institutions, we can give you an inside view of the world of finance that you can’t find anywhere else. So, when it’s time for you to enter the workforce, we’re hoping you’ll consider working with us.
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