
In June of 2018, a group of Derner Students completed a “Spartan Race.” These challenging endurance events combine running with completion of obstacles such as climbing over barriers and through mud.

In June of 2018, a group of Derner Students completed a “Spartan Race.” These challenging endurance events combine running with completion of obstacles such as climbing over barriers and through mud. They have been compared to graduate study by some, although they are not as long. The Derner team ran under the name “Derner Studs,” with the motto “Burpees for PhDs.” Cheers to the Derner Studs!

Pictured above: Robbie Lewis, Nicholette Lewis, Fallon Kane, Kimberly Otero, Ben Warach, Chloe Pagano-Stalzer, Akiva Goldschein, Sara Schapiro-Halberstam

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Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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