
Participate in our Wireless Scavenger Hunt for a chance to win prizes!

adelphi-wifi-signalStudents who participate in the scavenger hunt using their address from January 24–February 7, 2018, will be entered for a chance to win one of three prizes: two Amazon Fire Sticks and an Amazon Echo Dot as the grand prize.

The Office of Information Technology at Adelphi is always looking to improve tech on campus and provide you with the best experience possible. Based on results of the recent student technology survey, 92% of students indicated that they are satisfied with the WiFi at Adelphi. Although this is a small increase from the prior year, we’re aiming for 100% satisfaction.

We’ve already made significant upgrades to the wireless network, but we want you to help us further enhance the network. To that end, we are launching a wireless improvement campaign that features a scavenger hunt. The purpose of the scavenger hunt is to help pinpoint specific locations on campus that are dead zones (areas with zero wireless coverage) and to give you a better understanding about the scope of our wireless infrastructure.

Remember to use eduroam to connect to wireless on campus, and report any areas of campus that have a weak wireless signal.

We encourage you to follow @AdelphiTech on Twitter and Instagram to keep up with what’s going on with technology on campus.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

Phone Number
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Levermore Hall, 205
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