Usman Anwar '18, an international student from Pakistan, stayed on campus this summer and will resume his studies in the fall, thanks to assistance from Adelphi.
Sophomore art major Usman Anwar ’18, an international student from Pakistan, began to reconsider his plans to return home for the summer when he returned to New York from a visit home in January. Anwar experienced increased airport scrutiny and is still concerned about future traveling.
After continuing to follow news on President Donald Trump’s immigration orders, Anwar ultimately decided that his summer plans to return home and visit friends and family was too risky. “I had a feeling that if I would go back … I won’t be able to continue my studies here again,” Anwar told the Associated Press.
In an effort to accommodate Anwar’s circumstances, Adelphi provided him with free board and an on-campus marketing job. Since his family had not anticipated or budgeted for the expense, Anwar said the assistance from Adelphi was key.
Adelphi is one of a number of U.S. schools to offer housing, employment, and other assistance for students affected by the travel ban imposed on six mainly Muslim countries (Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen). While a subsequent Supreme Court ruling exempts travelers who are accepted into universities, students like Anwar, even those who are not from the six countries affected by the ban, remain concerned.
“Whether or not the fears that the students have are based in a concrete reality is almost not relevant,” said Perry Greene, Adelphi’s vice president for diversity and inclusion. “What’s relevant is the anxiety and fear that for our students was quite real.”
See full coverage by U.S. News & World Report here. The story was also picked up by The New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, and more.
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Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director
p – 516.237.8634
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