The official Adelphi University Bulletin content is maintained by the University Registrar.

The University Bulletin content is maintained by the Office of the University Registrar using the Acalog Academic Catalog Management System.

Examples of such Bulletin include, but are not limited to:

  • plans of study (degree requirements)
  • mission statements
  • program descriptions
  • admissions criteria
  • regulations
  • advising
  • grading
  • faculty additions, deletions, and title changes
  • shifts in the organization of content as printed in the Bulletin.

Bulletin content change requests should be clearly described (with relevant web URL links) and sent, via email, fax or interoffice mail, to the attention of:

Linda Jean-Louis (She/Her)
Phone Number
Levermore Hall 005A

If changes subsequently affect pages outside of the domain, the Office of the University Registrar will forward the approved changes to the Digital Development and User Experience team at

Phone Number
More Info
Levermore Hall, 8 Lower Level
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