Vijayakumar, G., Panchanadeswaran, S., & Chacko, S. Sex worker activism and the temporality of crisis. In Pandemic politics in India: State and civil society responses to COVID-19 (ed) by Roychowdhury, P. & Kruks-Wisner, G. London, UK: Oxford University Press. (Invited book chapter) (Accepted).
Panchanadeswaran, S., Rahill, G., Joshi, M., Lee, S.J., Chacko, S., Hwahng, S., & Greenfield, A. (2023). Female sex workers’ experiences of violence and aggression from sexual partners. In Martin, C., Victor, R., & Patel, V.B. (Eds). The Handbook of Anger, Aggression and Violence, pp. 1-19. London, UK: Springer Nature
Rahill, G., Joshi, M., Carrington, C., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2023). Non-partner sexual violence in Haiti. In Martin, C., Victor, R., & Patel, V.B. (Eds). The Handbook of Anger, Aggression and Violence, pp. 1-21. London, UK: Springer Nature
Panchanadeswaran, S., Unnithan, A.M., Brooks-Wilson, N., Chacko, S., Brazda, M., & Kuruppu, S. (2018). Mobile phone technology: Opportunities and perils for female sex workers in India. International Handbook of Sex Industry Research (invited chapter). London, UK: Routledge.
Chacko, S., Vijayakumar, G., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2018). As human beings and as workers: Sex worker unionization in Karnataka, India. In George, S., & Sinha, S.(Eds). Redefined Labor Spaces. Organising workers in Post-Liberalised India. New York, NY: Routledge.
Chacko, S., Panchanadeswaran, S., & Vijayakumar, G. (2016). Sex work as Livelihood: Perspectives of women, men and transgender sex workers in Karnataka. In Women, Labour and Livelihoods in 21st century India. (invited book chapter). London: Palgrave/Macmillan.
Chacko, S., Vijayakumar, G., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2016). Our secure beliefs and their insecure lives: Sex workers organize for change. (invited book chapter). Programme on Women’s Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, New Delhi, India: Sage Yoda Press.
Panchanadeswaran, S., Johnson, S.C., Go, V.F., Srikrishnan, A.K., Sivaram, S., Solomon, S., Bentley, M.E., & Celentano, D.D. (2008). Using the Theory of Gender and Power to examine experiences of partner violence, sexual negotiation, and risk of HIV/AIDS among economically disadvantaged women in Southern India (In Press). In McCloskey, K., & Sitaker, M. (Eds.). Backs Against the Wall: Battered women’s use of violence. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Maltreatment and Trauma Press.
Koverola, C., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2003). Intervention with women of color: Intersection of victimization and cultural diversity. In Kendall-Tackett, K. (Eds.). Health Effects of Family Violence. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association..
Panchanadeswaran, S., Vijayakumar, G., Chacko, S., Subramanian, S., Lee, S., & Brazda, M. (2024). “A little love is enough for me to live my life…”: Precarity and resilience among older female sex workers from India. Journal of Women & Aging, June 5, 1-17. DOI:
Ting, L., Panchanadeswaran, S., Araujo-Dawson, B., Mallow, A, & Novick, A. (2023). Predicting intimate partner violence perpetration by Latinx men in residential treatment. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, DOI:
Manasi, A., Panchandeswaran, S., Sours, E., & Lee, S. (2022). Mirroring the bias:Gender and Artificial intelligence. Special Issue of the Journal of Gender, Technology, and Development, DOI: 10.1080/09718524.2022.2128254. (Invited paper)
Vijayakumar, G., Panchanadeswaran, S., Chacko, S., Halford, S., & Subramaniam, S. Between Pandemics: Sex Workers, sexual minority, and Transgender activism from HIV to COVID-19. (2022). Global Public Health, DOI:
Vijayakumar, G., Panchanadeswaran, S., & Chacko, S. (2019.) Sex work, marginality, and activism in India. The Archives of Sexual Behavior. (Invited commentary).
Panchanadeswaran, S., Unnithan, A.M., Chacko, S., Brazda, M., Brooks-Wilson, N., & Kuruppu, S. (2019). What should we know about female sex workers’ use of mobile phone technology? Lessons in effective engagement from India. Human Technology, 15(1), 79-99. DOI:
Dushalieva, S., Panchanadeswaran, S., & Joshi, M. (2017). Leaving and beyond: Voices of survivors of domestic violence from Kyrgyzstan. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 00(0), 1-27.
Panchanadeswaran, S., Unnithan, A.M., Chacko, S., Brazda, M., & Kuruppu, S. (2017). What’s technology got to do with it? Exploring the Impact of Mobile Phones on Female Sex Workers’ Lives and Livelihood in India. Gender, Technology & Development, 21(1-2), 152-167.
Panchanadeswaran, S., Vijayakumar, G., & Chacko, S. (2016). Unionizing sex workers: The Karnataka experience. Special Issue in Law, Politics & Society,71, 139-156.
Kyriakakis, S., Panchanadeswaran, S. & Edmond, T. (2015). Mexican immigrant women searching for a solution to intimate partner abuse: common breaking points and type of help needed. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 13(1),1-18.
Vijayakumar, G., Chacko, S., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2015). Sex workers and the informal labor movement in India. Global Labor Journal, 6(1), 79-96.
Vijayakumar, G., Chacko, S., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2015). Sex workers join the labor movement in India. New Labor Forum, 24(2), 90-96.
Ting, L., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2015). The interface between spirituality and violence in the lives of immigrant African women: Implications for help-seeking and service provision. Special Issue in Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 1-17.
Panchanadeswaran, S. Jayasundara, D. (2012). Experiences of drug use and parenting among women in substance abuse treatment: An exploratory study. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22(8), 971-987.
Panchanadeswaran, S., & Araujo, B. (2011), How discrimination and stress affects self- esteem among Dominican immigrant women: An exploratory study. Social Work and Public Health, 26, 60-77.
Jayasundara, D., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2011), Maternal mortality in developing countries: Applicability of Amartya Sen’s perspectives. Journal of Comparative Social Welfare, (accepted)..
Araujo, B.A., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2010), Predictors of acculturative stress among Dominican immigrants in New York City. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 32, 216-231.
Panchanadeswaran, S., Frye, V., Nandi, V., Galea, S., Vlahov, D., & Ompad, D. (2010), Intimate partner violence and consistent condom use among drug-using women in New York City. Women & Health, 50, 107-124.
Panchanadeswaran, S., Johnson, S.C., Go, V.F., Srikrishnan, A.K., Sivaram, S., Solomon, S., Bentley, M.E., Zelaya, C., & Celentano, D.D. (2010), Violence against Women in India: A descriptive profile of abused female sex workers. Journal of Health, Population & Nutrition, 28, 211-220.
Ting, L., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2009), Barriers and incentives to help seeking for African women survivors of partner abuse: Listening to women's own voices. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 18, 817-838..
Panchanadeswaran, S., Gielen, A., et al. (2009), Deriving abuser typology from women's self-reports: Utility for intervening with survivors of intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women (In Press)..
Panchanadeswaran, S., & Araujo, B. (2009), How discrimination and stress affects self-esteem among Dominican immigrant women: An exploratory study. Social Work & Public Health (In Press)..
Panchanadeswaran, S., Johnson, S.C., Go, V.F., Srikrishnan, A.K., Sivaram, S., Solomon, S., Zelaya, C, & Celentano, D.D. (2009), Violence Against Women in India: A descriptive profile of abused female sex workers. Journal of Health, Population & Nutrition (In Press)..
Panchanadeswaran, S., Johnson, S.C., Sivaram, S., A.K. Srikrishnan, Latkin, C., Zelaya, C.C., Bentley, M.E., Solomon, S., Go, V., & Celentano D.D. (2008), Intimate Partner Violence Is As Important As Client violence in Increasing Street-based Female Sex Workers’ Vulnerability to HIV in India. Special Issue of International Journal of Drug Policy.
Panchanadeswaran, S., El-Bassel N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., & Chang, M. (2008), An Examination of the perceived Social Support Levels of Women in Methadone Maintenance Treatment who Experience Various Forms of Intimate Partner Violence. Women’s Health Issues, 18 (1), 35-43..
Panchanadeswaran, S., & McCloskey, L.A. (2007), Predicting the timing of women’s departure from abusive relationships. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 22(1), 50-65..
Panchanadeswaran, S., Johnson, S.C., Mayer, K., Srikrishnan, A.K., Sivaram, S., Go,V.F., Solomon, S., Bentley, M.E., & Celentano, D.D. (2006), Gender Differences in STD Prevalence and Health Seeking Behavior in an Urban Setting in Southern India. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 82(6)., 491-495.
Panchanadeswaran, S., Koverola, C. (2005), The voices of battered women in India. Violence Against Women, 11(6), 736-758.
Cole, R., Panchanadeswaran, S., & Daining, C. (2004), Predictors of Job Satisfaction of Licensed Social Workers: Perceived Efficacy as a Mediator of the Relationship between Workload and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Social Service Research, 31(1), 1-12..
Natarajan, S (1999), Violence Against Women—Wife Battering in Chennai. Economic and Political Weekly, 28-33.
Nadkarni, V., & Natarajan, S. (1995), Report of a five-day Indo-US Workshop of ‘Behavioral Research on AIDS in India’. Tata Institute of Social Sciences..
Natarajan, S. (1992), In Search of Answers: Indian Women’s Voices from Manushi. Indian Journal of Social Work.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Panchanadeswaran, S., Vijayakumar, G., & Chacko,S. Leading with their stories: Action research with female sex workers in India. International Conference of Practice Research, 7-9 June, 2023, Aalborg University, Denmark
Brooks-Wilson, N., & Panchanadeswaran, S. Unexpected & unprecedented: Building University-Community Partnerships for Social Work Research during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 54th Annual Conference of New York State Social Work Education Association, November 10-12, 2021, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Shaari, A.A., & Panchanadeswaran, S. Voices of people in recovery from SUDs: What motivates them to enter the addiction treatment field as counselors? Annual Program Meeting of the Society for Social Work Research, January 20-24, 2021, San Francisco, CA.
Panchanadeswaran, S., Joshi, M., Carrion, I., & Kim, H. Interdisciplinary lenses examine social justice: Faculty reflections on India study abroad programs. Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, November 8-11, 2018, Orlando: FL (Accepted).
Panchanadeswaran, S., Ting, L., & Araujo, B. Predicting IPV perpetration in a sample of participants in residential treatment for Substance Use Disorders. International Family Violence and Child Victimization Conference, July 15-17, 2018, Portsmouth: NH.
Panchanadeswaran, S., Chacko, S., Kuruppu, S., & Ting, L. Can you hear me NOW?? Mobile technology & sex work at the intersections of usefulness and vulnerability: Lessons for interventions and practice. 11th International conference on interdisciplinary social sciences, 2-4 August, 2016.
Panchanadeswaran, S., Brazda, M., Barberii, J., & Chacko, S. Mobile phone technology and sex work in India: Boon or curse? Annual Conference of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health, San Francisco, CA.
Vijayakumar, G., Chacko, S., & Panchanadeswaran, S. Making Sex Work Labor: Sex Worker Unionization and Informal Labor Politics in India. American Sociological Association Annual Conference, 16-19, August, San Francisco, CA.
Vijayakumar, G., Chacko, S., Panchanadeswaran, S. Intimate Unions: Sex workers’ labor activism in Karnataka, India. ISA World Congress of Sociology, 13-19 July, 2014, Yokohama, Japan.
Panchanadeswaran, S., Jayasinghe, T., & Saxena, M. Collaborating to end domestic violence in South Asian communities: What can we learn? Third International Conference on Practice Research, June 9-11, New York, NY.
Panchanadeswaran, S., Hwahng, S.J., Chacko, S. The complexity of negotiating HIV risk with clients and in private relationships: Experiences of female sex workers in India. 19th International AIDS Conference, Washington, DC, July 22-27, 2012.
Kim, T. & Panchanadeswaran, S. How Social Welfare Expenditure Affects Globalization. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Barcelona, Spain, June 25-28, 2012 (virtual presentation).
Panchanadeswaran, S., Kyriakakis, S., Chaudhuri, K., & Roldan, M. (2011). Straddling the challenges of service provision to Latino/a and South Asian survivors of IPV in the US--Practitioner perspectives. In Fourth Annual Conference on Sociology. Athens, Greece.
Jayasundara, D., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2011). Sustainable development in the field of social work: The past and the present. In 17th International Consortium for Social Development Symposium. Dhaka, Bangladesh..
Jayasundara, D., & Panchanadeswaran, S. Sustainable development in the field of social work: The past and the present. 17th International Consortium for Social Development Symposium, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 3-7, 2011.
Panchanadeswaran, S., El-Bassel, N., Gilbert, L., Wu, E., & Chang, M (2008). Profiling Perceived Social Supports of Women in Methadone Maintenance Treatment who report experiencing Intimate Partner Violence. In Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work Research. San Francisco, CA, January, 2007..
Panchanadeswaran, S., Johnson, S.C., Sivaram,S., A.K.Srikrishnan, Zelaya C.C., Bentley, M.E.., Solomon, S., Go, V.F., Celentano, D.D (2008). Sex Workers In India: Experiences Of Partner And Client Violence. In International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma. San Diego, CA., September, 2006..
Panchanadeswaran, S., Johnson, S.C., Sivaram,S., A.K.Srikrishnan, Zelaya, C.C., Bentley, M.E.., Solomon, S., Go, V.F., Celentano, D.D (2008). Vulnerability Of Female Sex Workers To HIV Infection In India: Examining The Intersections Of Violence, Sexual Coercion, And Alcohol Use. In International Conference on HIV/AIDS. Toronto, Canada, August, 2006..
Panchanadeswaran, S., & Patel, K (2008). Decisions to stay/leave abusive relationships: Experiences of battered women in India. In International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference. Portsmouth, NH, July, 2006..
Panchanadeswaran,S., Johnson, SC., Go, VF., A.K. Srikrishnan, Bentley, ME., Solomon, S., Sivaram, SS., & Celentano, DD (2008). An exploration of the linkages between domestic violence against women and alcohol use in India. In 9th International Conference on Family Violence. San Diego, CA, September, 2004..
Panchanadeswaran,S., Johnson, SC., Go, VF., A.K. Srikrishnan, Bentley, ME., Solomon, S., Sivaram, SS., & Celentano, DD (2008). Partner violence and HIV sexual risk behaviors among alcohol users in India. In International AIDS Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, July 2004..
Panchanadeswaran, S (2008). Help seeking behavior of battered women in India. In 8th International Conference on Family Violence. San Diego, CA, September, 2003.
Panchanadeswaran, S., DePanfilis, D., & McCloskey, L (2008). Woman abuse and the factors associated with leaving abusive relationships. In Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. Washington, DC, January, 2003..
Panchanadeswaran, S., & Koverola, C (2008). Voices of battered women from a South Indian city. In International Association of Schools of Social Work Conference. Montpellier, France, July 2002..
Hisle-Gorman, B., Panchanadeswaran, S., & Harrington, D. (2008). Screening protocol for child maltreatment risk and reporting in evaluation research. In San Diego Conference on Responding to Child Maltreatment,. San Diego, CA, January, 2002.
, S., Kub, J., Snow-Jones, Alison., & Campbell, J.C. (2008). Partner Abuse and Alcohol Problems in a Sample of Female HMO Enrollees. In 7th International Family Violence Research Conference. Portsmouth, NH, July 2001.
Hisle-Gorman, B., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2008). Safety for children in kinship care through the use of a screening protocol in research interviews. In Graduate Research Conference, University of Maryland.. Baltimore, MD, April, 2001..
Panchanadeswaran, S., Bryant, V., & Novak, K. (2008). A profile of kinship care-givers, their support systems and religiosity. In Graduate Research Conference, University of Maryland.. Baltimore, MD, April 2001.
Smith, P., Ramareddy, M., & Panchanadeswaran, S (2008). Maryland’s Subsidized Guardianship Project: Implications for Youth’s Well-being. In San Diego Conference on Responding to Child Maltreatment. San Diego, CA, 2001.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Panchanadeswaran, S. (2024). The research arc: Straddling the micro, mezzo, and macro issues impacting female sex workers in India. Invited lecture to M.S.W. students at the University of Fulda, Germany. June 6, 2024 via Zoom.
Panchanadeswaran, S., & Chacko, S. (2018). Using mobile phone technology to LISTEN to sex workers in India: Lessons from the field. Invited speaker at the Institute of Technology, Gender, Sexuality, and Rights, 9-15 December, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Panchanadeswaran, S. Straddling the micro and macro issues impacting sex workers: Violence, the subjective perceptions within sexual partnerships, unionizations and technology use. Invited speaker at the South and Central Asia Fulbright Conference, March 1-5, 2015, Hyderabad, India.
Panchanadeswaran, S., & Roy, B. Intervening with survivors of gender-based violence from the South Asian Diaspora in the United States. Invited talk at the AU Student Counseling Center Grand Rounds. October 6, 2014.
Panchanadeswaran, S. Invited speaker/panelist at the AU Collaboration Project titled: “What it Means to Tell Someone Else’s Story,” March 5, 2014.
Panchanadeswaran, S. Invited speaker/panelist at the Adelphi Community Reads panel, October 21, 2013.
Panchanadeswaran, S. Invited speaker/panelist at the Doctoral Students Panel at the Annual SSWR conference, January 14-17, 2010.
Panchanadeswaran, S. (2009, January). From student to doctoral candidate to post-doc: The journey. AnnualSociety for Social Work Research (SSWR) Conference.
Panchanadeswaran, S. (2008, February). Intersections of sex work, violence, and HIV vulnerability in India. Social and Behavioral Science Symposium, Adelphi University.
Panchanadeswaran, S (2007, June). Gender and public health: Focus on intersections of HIV/AIDS, violence and alcohol use in India. Summer Institute on “Psychosocial Aspects of Health and Illness”, Dept. of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health.
Panchanadeswaran, S., Johnson, S.C., Go, V.F., Srikrishnan, A.K., Bentley, M.E., Solomon, S., Sivaram, S., & Celentano, D.D. (2006). (2006, February). Partner violence and HIV sexual risk behaviors among male alcohol users in India. Indian Council for Medical Research-NIH meeting in Bangalore, India.
Panchanadeswaran, S., DePanfilis, D.D., & McCloskey, M.C (2004, March). Abuse and timing of women’s departure from abusive relationships. Presentation at a Brown-bag Seminar at the University of Maryland School of Social Work, Baltimore.
Other Work
Other Work
Panchanadeswaran, S. (1995). Edited the report on the experimental Tata Institute of Social Sciences Project ‘Special Cell for Women and Children’ at the Police Commissioner’s Office, Mumbai, India.
Panchanadeswaran, S. (1995). Report on the training program for Police Personnel by the Department of Family and Child Welfare, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India.
Panchanadeswaran, S. (1995). Report on a two-day inter-state consultation meeting on ‘Savings and Micro-credit for Women’ for Society for Promotion of Area Resource Center, Mumbai, India.
Panchanadeswaran, S. (1996). Report on a three-day strategy development workshop on ‘Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Tamil Nadu’ sponsored by USAID.
Panchanadeswaran, S. (1996). Report on a two-day workshop of sex workers for the National Commission for Women organized by the South India Aids Action Program, Chennai, India.
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