Faculty Profiles

Devin G. Thornburg

Senior Adjunct Faculty
The School of Education, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences

Alumnae Hall 243

General Information



Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, New York University (1988)

Ed.M.,Psychology, Harvard University (1978)

B.S., Psychology/Philosophy, Tulane University (1976)

Personal Statement

Personal Statement

In all of my professional life (in a variety of roles including teacher, psychologist, researcher, administrator, advisor), I have sought to create relationships built on trust and deep learning. I believe that all people learn every moment of their lives and that it is up to teachers to determine what they are learning, how they are learning, and to build from there. I believe that teachers must be learners, themselves. And finally, I believe that we must have integrity and humility about everything that we do. Too much time and destructive energy in teacher-learning is spent on ambition, protecting turf, and underminding other people. To accept one's frailty, too face it, is the first step away from this. It is always a painful but worthwhile journey.

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