Agelarakis, A. P., (2025),"The Hippocratic Legacy in Cranial Trauma Surgery: From On Head Wounds to Rogerius Frugardi’s Chirurgia and the Semantic Transformation of 'Trepanation' in Scholarship," in Eulimene Journal, 25 (2024), pp. 79–93.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2024), "In defence of the Aeneid physician Iapyx Iasides in honour and pietas", Eulimene, Vol. 24 (2023), p. 43-55.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2024), "A Modern Surgical Procedure from Ancient Greek Medicine: The earliest documented medical instruction of piezoelectric application in orthopaedic fracture treatment in “On Fractures” (Περί Αγμών) of the Hippocratic Corpus, with an addendum on the surgical knots of Heraklas in Oreibasius", JMH, 36, p. 2-16
Agelarakis, A. P., et al., (2023), “Wasps for the Archaeologist at Orthi Petra Burial Ground, in Eleutherna” in (Eds.) M. Stefanakis, M. Giannopoulou, and M. Achiola, Polytropos-Honorary Volume for Professor N. Ch. Stampolidis, Mediterranean Archaeological Society, Rethymno, p. 43-72.
Anagnostis P. Agelarakis, Lisa M. DiFrancesco, Lukas Delasos, Julian Samodulski, Athanasia Kanta et Panayotis G. Agelarakis, (2023), "A Rare Case of Chondroblastoma from Neolithic Crete of the 7th Millennium BCE", Paléorient [En ligne], 49-1 | 2023, mis en ligne le 01 août 2023, consulté le 07 août 2023. URL :
Agelarakis, A.P., (2023), "Hermes’s Rebellion and Olympian Arbitration - The Quest of Cretan Shepherds and the Oath to Órkios Zeus", Journal of Modern Hellenism, Volume 35, p. 2-27.
Skourtanioti, E., Ringbauer, H., Gnecchi Ruscone, G. A., Bianco, R. A., Burri, M., Freund, C., Furtwängler, A., Gomes Martins, N. F., Knolle, F., Neumann, G.U., Tiliakou, A. Agelarakis, A.P., Andreadaki-Vlazaki, M., et al., (2023), "Ancient DNA reveals admixture history and endogamy in the prehistoric Aegean", Nature Ecology & Evolution, (2023).
Doi: 10.1038/s41559-022-01952-3.
Lazaridis, I., Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S., Acar, A., Açıkkol, A., Agelarakis, A.P., Aghikyan, L., Akyüz, U., Andreeva, D., Andrijašević, G., Antonović, D., et al., (2022), "Ancient DNA from Mesopotamia suggests distinct Pre-Pottery and Pottery Neolithic migrations into Anatolia", Science, Vol 377, Issue 6609, pp. 982-987. DOI: 10.1126/science.abq0762
"The genetic history of the Southern Arc: A bridge between West Asia and Europe", Science, 2022-08-26, | Journal article, Vol 377, Issue 6609 DOI: 10.1126/science.abm4247 Contributors: Iosif Lazaridis; Songül Alpaslan-Roodenberg; Ayşe Acar; Ayşen Açıkkol; Anagnostis Agelarakis; Levon Aghikyan; Uğur Akyüz; Desislava Andreeva; Gojko Andrijašević; Dragana Antonović et al.
"A genetic probe into the ancient and medieval history
of Southern Europe and West Asia", Science, 2022-08-26 | Journal article DOI: 10.1126/science.abq0755 Contributors: Iosif Lazaridis; Songül Alpaslan-Roodenberg; Ayşe Acar; Ayşen Açıkkol; Anagnostis Agelarakis; Levon Aghikyan; Uğur Akyüz; Desislava Andreeva; Gojko Andrijašević; Dragana Antonović et al.
"The Hippocratic Legacy in Cranial Trauma Surgery: From On Head Wounds to Rogerius Frugardi’s Chirurgia and the Semantic Transformation of 'Trepanation' in Scholarship," in Eulimene Journal, 25 (2024), pp. 79–93.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2021), “Guliaria of Palaeochori in Paggaeon II: Searching the Vestiges of a Forbidden Dionysian Ritual”, Regional History Conference Proceedings, Paggaio II, Municipality of Paggaio, Kavala Prefecture, 2021 (2022), p. 206-220.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2021), "The Hippocratic Medical Treatment of Fractura Mandibulae Traced in a Byzantine Warrior of the 14th Century", Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 21:2, p. 281-287.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2021/22), “The Proto-Neolithic People of Zawi Chemi Village and Shanidar Cave in the Western Zagros Highlands: Adaptations, Innovations, and the Advent of Neolithic Revolution”, Sumer, 2021 (2022), 67, p. 11-26.
Agelarakis, A., Agelarakis, A. P., and Weeks B., (2020), “Investigations on the nature, preparation, and medical effectiveness of Hippocratic cataplasms potentially used in the treatment of head trauma among warriors in Eleutherna and elsewhere in ancient Greece”, in (Eds.) N. Ch. Stampolidis and M. Giannopoulou, Eleutherna and the Outside World, University of Crete, p. 247-253.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2020), “Bioarchaeological evidence reflective of the use of the kick-wheel by a female ceramicist in ancient Eleutherna”, in (Eds.) N. Ch. Stampolidis and M. Giannopoulou, Eleutherna and the Outside World, University of Crete, p. 206-218.
Agelarakis, A. P., and Kanta, A., (2020), "The Neolithic Cemetery of Aposelemis", in (Eds) P. Karanastasi, A. Tsigounaki, and Ch. Tsigonaki, Archaeologiko Ergo Kritis, Proceedings 4th Archaeological Work in Crete Congress, Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Athletics, Antiquities Authority of Rethymnon, University of Crete, V:B', p. 35-58.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2020), Aspects of the human condition arise from osteological evidence of cranio-infracranial surgical interventions and healing regimens implemented at Paliokastro in Thasos during the ProtoByzantine period (in Greek), Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium of Thasian Studies, Thasiaka, Kavala, V:20, p. 18-32.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2019), Intra-group dynamics, glimpses of labor diversity and specialization, and evidence of incipient social stratification in Neolithic Crete: Reflections from the Aposelemis Burial Ground, Proceedings of 12th International Congress of Cretan Studies, Herakelion, pp: 1-17.
Korka, E., and Agelarakis, A. P., (2018), New Data on the Decorated Limestone Sarcophagus of Faneromeni in Chiliomodion of Corinth, Archaeological Work in the Peloponnese, University of Peloponnese, Kalamata, pp: 627-634.
Agelarakis, A. P., and Zafeiropoulou, F. (2017), Parian Polyandreia and the Military Legacy of Archilochus’ Forebears. Ed. D. Mulliez, Thasos: Métropole et colonies (Inter. Symposium- in memoriam Marina Sgourou), Recherches Franco-Hellénique, École française d’Athènes, Paris, pp: 47-64.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2017), The Fall of Polystylon Fort to the Ottomans: The Historical Context and the Narrative of its decapitated Defender, Byzantina Symmeikta, 27, pp: 11-52.
Agelarakis, A. P., and Agelarakis, A. (2015), Abdera/ Polystylon: A Byzantine Town in Western Thrace in the Context of Historical Developments during the 6th – 14th Centuries as Depicted by its Archaeo-Anthropological Record, Byzantina Symmeikta, 25, p. 11-56.
Agelarakis A. P., (2014), On the Preservation and Conservation of Archaeologically Recovered Anthropological Remains: A Brief Communication to Younger Colleagues. The Protection of Archaeological Heritage in Times of Economic Crisis, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 254-259.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2014), An Ancient Greek Veteran-Warrior With Stafne's Cavity. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 14, No.2, 361-366.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2014), Woman’s Cranium with Traces of Surgical Intervention Second Half of the 7th c. BC. Hygeia: Health, Illness, Treatment From Homer to Galen, 1- Museum Cycladic Art & Ministry of Culture, 256-259.
Lohne, J.J., and Agelarakis, A. P., (2014), Multielemental ICP-MS Analysis of Classical Period Archaeological Cremated Bone and Sediment Samples from Demosion Sema Polyandria of Salaminos 35 Site in Keramikos, Athens, Greece. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 14, No 2 (2014), pp.259-273 (early view of full text).
Agelarakis, A. P., (2013), On the Anthropology Project of 35 Salaminos Street Site of Kerameikos, Athens: A Brief Account. Archaeologikes Symboles, Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens, Volume B: Attika, A’ and G' Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities Authorities, 369-386.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2012), Cretans in Byzantine foreign policy and military affairs following the Fourth Crusade. Cretika Chronika, 32, 41-78.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2012), Apokryfoi Psithyroi apo to mneimiako tafo M stin Orthi Petra Eleuthernas: I syneisfora tis anthropologikis ereunas. Princesses of the Mediterranean in the dawn of History, Athens, p. 189-204.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2012), Sussurri arcane dalla Tomba Monumentale M di Orthi Petra, Eleutherna: Il contributo dell’indagine antropologica. Princesses of the Mediterranean in the dawn of History, Athens, p. 189-204.
Agelarakis, A. P., (2012), “Arcane Whispers Echoed from Funerary Buinding M at Orthi Petra in Eleutherna: Contributions of Anthropological Research. Princesses of the Mediterranean in the dawn of History, Athens, p. 189-204.
Agelarakis, A. P, and Serpanos, Y., (2010), Auditory Exostoses, Infracranial Skeleto-Muscular Changes and Maritime Activities in Classical Period Thasos Island. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 10:2, 45-57.
Other Work
Other Work
Abstracts, Archival Documents,Articles, Chapters, Monographed Volumes, Documentary in film:
Arranged by Geographic Area/Site under Permit, in Chronological Order of Publication/Submission
AEGEAN (Island of Crete, Greece) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
13 "Making of a Martiline" in Ed. Bonn-Muller, E. "Dynasty of Priestesses", On Line Features, Archaeology Magazine
12 "The Anthropology of Tomb A1K1 of Orthi Petra in Eleutherna. A Narrative of the Bones: Aspects of the Human Condition in Geometric-Archaic Eleutherna". University of Crete Publications, 2005.
11 “Memories of Aristocracy from the Geometric Period Orthi Petra in Eleutherna-Mnimes tis Aristokratias apo tin Orthi Petra tis Geometrikis Eleuthernas”. Proceedings of the International Symposium, The Aegean During the Early Iron Age, Rhodes. Ministry of Culture, Rhodes Archaeological and Historical Research Institute, University of Crete, Greece, 2004-2005. 77-84.
10 "Three Millennia Later Their Story Deciphered by their Cremated Osseous Record: The Case of Geometric Eleutherna" Abstract, International Symposium, The Aegean During the Early Iron Age, Rhodes, November 2nd, 2002, Greece.
9 "The Records of Archaeo-Anthropological Investigations of years 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1997, at the Proto-Geometric Burial Ground of Orthi Petra, at the site of Eleutherna in Crete, Greece", Archival Report, University of Crete, Department of History and Archaeology, Prof. Nicholas Stampolidis, Director of Archaeological Excavations (submitted in 2001).
8 "Complexity of Factors Implicated in the Recovery and Forensic Assessment of Archaeological Human Cremated Skeletal Tissues and the Possibility for Methodological Biases and Interpretation", Cremations in Bronze and Early Iron Age, Proceedings of Int. Symposium, Ministries of the Aegean, and of Culture, Greece, 2001, pp:405-417.
7 "Cremation Burial in LM IIIC-SubMinoan Crete and the Cemetery at Pezoulos Atsipades", in Cremations in Bronze and Early Iron Age, Proceedings of Int. Symposium, Ministries of the Aegean, and of Culture, Greece, 2001, pp: 69-83.
6 "The Pantanassa Project Human Cremations, Rethymnon, Crete" in Tegou, E., on "Tholos Grave of the Early Iron Age in Pantanassa Site, Amariou, of North Rethymno", Cremations in Bronze and Early Iron Age, Proceedings of Int. Symposium, Ministries of the Aegean, and of Culture, Greece, 2001, pp:121-155
5 "Complexity of Factors Implicated in the Recovery and Forensic Assessment of Archaeological Human Cremated Skeletal Tissues and the Possibility for Methodological Biases and Interpretation", Invited contribution, Abstracts, International Symposium on Human Archaeological Cremations in the Circum-Mediterranean Region, 27-30 April, 1999, Rhodes, Greece.
4 "A Critical Re-Evaluation of the Archaeo-Anthropological Human Osseous Record concerning the Case of the Human Sacrifice at the Geometric Site of Orthi Petra in Eleutherna" In Eleutherna, by N. Ch. Stampolidis, 1997, University of Crete.
3 Presentation/Competition of Eleutherna an Archaeological Documentary, Part of the 1997 International Review on Archaeological Cinema: Rassegna Internazionale del Cinema Archeologico, Rovereto, Italy.
2 Co-host with Prof. Nikolaos Stampolidis featuring an educational documentary film on Archaeological- Anthropological Field and Laboratory Research Methods & Theories, Techniques and Applications, in reference to the Proto-Geometric site of Eleutherna in Crete. 1997, Duration of documentary film @ 55', funded by the Lambraki Publishing Corporation for distribution to all institutions of secondary education in Greece and countries of the rest of the European Community.
1 "Report on the Cremated Human Skeletal Remains from the Late Bronze Age Acropolis of Eleutherna, Crete--Anthropological Studies of 1994", 1994, Archaeological Report, [Archival. Dept. of History and Archaeology, University of Crete at Rethymnon. Referee Archaeologist: Dr. Nicholas Stampolidis, Professor and Dean of the School of Philosophy, University of Crete at Rethymnon].
AEGEAN (Island of Rhodes) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
2 “Demographic Dynamics and Funerary Rituals as Reflected from Rhodian Handra Urns”. Archival Report, Archaeological and Historical Institute of Rhodes, 2005.
1 "Rhodes Hellenistic Archaeo-Anthropology Research Project: Handra Hydriae Cremations". Archival Report. Historic and Archaeologic Institute of Rhodes, Greece,2004/5.
AEGEAN (Island of Kos, Greece) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
2 "Human Cremations of the Archaic period from Kardamaina of the Island of Kos" in Skerlou, E., on "Human Cremations from Kardamaina site in Kos", Cremations in Bronze and Early Iron Age, Proceedings of Int. Symposium, Ministries of the Aegean, and of Culture, Greece, 2001, pp: 258-285.
1 "Human Cremations of the Archaic Period from the Ancient City of Kos", in D. Mposnakis on "Human Cremations from the City of Kos", Cremations in Bronze and Early Iron Age, Proceedings of Int. Symposium, Ministries of the Aegean, and of Culture, Greece, 2001, pp: 223-258.
AEGEAN (Island of Samos) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
1 "Anthropologic Results of Geometric Period Cemetery at Pythagoreion". Archival Report. Samos Island Antiquities' Authority, Greece, 2003.
AEGEAN (Cycladic Islands of Paros, Naxos, Keros, and Koufonisi, Greece) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
9 “Parian Polyandria and Socio-Political and Military Organizational Capacities During the late 8th c. BC/BCE, and Inferences to the Colonization Efforts at Thasos Island: An Inter-Island Study”. Abstracts, Archeologies et Sciences de l’Antiquite Séminaires-Conférences Maison René Ginouvés, CNRS – Université de Paris I – Université de Paris Quest Nanterre La Défense – Ministére de la Culture. 11/17-20/2010, Paris, France.
8 “Reflections on Political and Military Organizational Capacities During the late 8th c. BCE in Paros Island, Greece: The Earliest Polyandria in Greece.” Abstracts in Annual Bulletin, Archaeological Institute of America, Annual Meeting 2008, Chicago Illinois, January 3-5, 2008.
7 "Reflections on Political and Military Organizational Capacities During the late 8th c. BC/BCE in Paros Island, Greece: The Case of Two Polyandria," Abstracts in Annual Bulletin, CANE 2007 Annual Meeting, Durham, New Hampshire, March 9-10, 2007.
6 "Parian Socio-Political and Military Organizational Capacities During the late 8th c. BC, and Inferences to the Colonization of Thasos Island", Abstract, Thasos: Metropole et colonies Symposium International à la mémoire de Marina Sgourou, 21-22 septembre 2006.
5 "Paros Polyandria and Paleopathology", Abstract, Bioarchaeology of Mediterranean and Atlantic Islands: 16th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, 28 August-1 September, 2006, Santorini, Greece.
4 Agelarakis A., and F. Zafeiropoulou "Paros Polyandria and Paleopathological Inferences", Abstract, 33rd Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Anchorage, Alaska, March 7-8, 2006.
3 Zafeiropoulou F., and A. Agelarakis "Warriors of Paros". Archaeology 58.1(2005): 30-35.
2 "The Archaic Polyandrion of Paroikia, Paros Island: An Anthropological Investigation", Archival Report, 2001, Referee Archaeologist, Dr. Foteini Zafeiropoulou, Ephor Emerita of the Cyclades.
1 "The Archaic Polyandrion of Paroikia, Paros Island: An Anthropological Investigation", Archival Report, 2002, Referee Archaeologist, Dr. Fotini Zafeiropoulou, Ephor Emerita of the Cyclades.
AEGEAN (Athens-Attica) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
1 "Demosion Sema Polyandria: Preliminary Anthropologic Research Resume". Archival Report. Antiquities' Authority, Athens, Greece, 2003.
AEGEAN (Island of Chios, Greece) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
2 "Analyses of Cremated Human Skeletal Remains Dating to the Seventh Century BC, Chios, Greece". Horos: Ena Archaeognostiko Periodiko, 1986, V(4),145-153.
1 "Forensics, and Anthropometric Reconstructions of St. Isidor's Skeletal Remains, Old Christian Church of St. Isidor, Chios, Greece", Archaeological Report, 1982, [Archival. Chios Byzantine Ephoreia. Ref. Archaeol., Ch. Pennas, Director of Project and Ephor of Antiquities].
AEGEAN (Island of Psara, Greece) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
2 "Mortuary Practices and Analyses of Human Skeletal Remains Excavated from the Mycenaean Cemetery in Psara, Greece". Horos: Ena Archaeognostiko Periodiko, 1987/88.
1 "Report on the Main Burial of the Mycenaean Human Skeletal Remains excavated from Archontiki Site, Psara, Greece" OSSA: International Journal of Skeletal Research, 1986-87,V(13), 3-11.
AEGEAN (Klazomenai, Turkey)
5 “Stafne Cavity on a 7th c. BC Klazomenaean Hoplite Warrior”, Book of Abstracts, 37th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico April 13-14, 2010
4 “Grave of Hoplite” (Archaic Necropolis of Klazomenai at Akpinar) in Dr. Bilge Hurmuzlu, “Haluk Abbasoglu's Festschrift”, International Symposium in Memoriam of the Director of Istanbul’s Archaeology Department, January 2007.
3 "On the Archaic Klazomenian Cemetery at the site of Akpinar: A Sample of Anthropological Analysis", Archival Report, 2000, Referee Archaeologist, Bilge Hurmuzlu, Ege University, Turkey.
2 "On the Archaic Klazomenian Cemetery at the site of Akpinar: Anthropological Analysis of Field Season 2001", Archival Report, 2001, Referee Archaeologist, Bilge Hurmuzlu, Ege University, Turkey.
1 "On the Archaic Klazomenian Cemetery at the site of Akpinar: Anthropological Analysis of Field Season 2002", Archival Report, 2002, Referee Archaeologist, Bilge Hurmuzlu, Ege University, Turkey.
AEGEAN (Island of Thasos, Greece) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
17 “Auditory Exostoses, Infracranial Skeleto-Muscular Changes and Maritime Activities at Thasos Island: A Nexus Between Archaeo-Anthropologic and Ethnohistoric Studies, Abstract, “Corps, Travail et Statut Social. L’apport de la paléoanthropologie funéraire aux Sciences Historiques”. Maison de la Recherche, Université Charles-de-Gaule-Lille 3-Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, 11/25-26/2010.
16 Papadopoulos S., Tsoutsoubei S., and A. Agelarakis “Burial Customs at the Island of Thasos from the Neolithic to the Hellenistic Periods”, (co-author) at “Kavala in the Balkans and Thrace from Antiquity to Modern Times” Abstracts, Tri-Prefecture Conference, Demokritian University and University of Cyprus, Historic and Literary Society of Kavala, September 17-18, 2010.
15 Agelarakis, A., and Y. Serpanos “Auditory Exostoses, Infracranial Skeleto-Muscular Changes and Maritime Activities in Classical Period Thasos Island”, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 10, No. 2, 45-57.
14 Agelarakis A., Y. Serpanos, S. Papadopoulos, and S. Tsoutsoubei “Auditory Exostoses, Infracranial Skeleto-muscular Changes and Maritime Activities in Classical Period Thasos Island”, Book of Abstracts, 34th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Philadelphia, PA, March 27/28, 2007.
13 Thasos Archaeo-anthropologic research project of field season 2006, Archival Report, Thasos Antiquities Museum, Referee Antiquities Authority Archaeologist Dr. Strati Papadopoulos, Spring 2007.
12 (06/07) (see Paros island) “Parian Socio-Political and Military Organizational Capacities During the late 8th c. BC: Inferences to the Colonization of Thasos Island”, Thasos-Metropolis and Colonies International Symposium, Greek Archaeological Service and French Archaeological Institute in Greece, Thasos, September 12-22, 2006.
11 "Investigations of Physical Anthropology & Palaeopathology at the Ancient Necropolis of Thasos" , In Sgourou, M. "Excavating houses and graves: exploring aspects of everyday life and afterlife in ancient Thasos", BAR International Series 1031 (2002), pp: 12-19.
10 "On the Anthropological and Palaeopathological Records of a Select Number of Human Individuals from the Ancient Necropolis of Thasos Island", In Sgourou, M. "Jewelry from Thasian Graves", BSA, (British Annals of Archaeology), V:96 (2001), pp:355-364.
9 "Anthropological Report on the Roman-PaleoChristian Human Skeletal Remains Excavated from the Ancient Theater Site of Thasos", 2000, Archaeological Report, [Archival. Prehistoric and Classical Museum of Thasos, IH' Ephoreia of the Greek Archaeological Service].
8 "Reflections of the Human Condition in Prehistoric Thasos: Aspects of the Anthropological and Palaeopathological Record from the Settlement of Kastri". Actes du Colloque International Matiè²¥s prè©eres et Technologie de la Pr騩stoire à  ®os jours, Limenaria, Thasos. Publications of the French Archaeological Institute in Greece, 1999, 447-468.
7 "Investigations of Archaeo-Anthropological Nature at the Classical Necropolis of the Island of Thasos between 1979-1996". Archaiologiko Ergo sti Makedonia kai Thraki 10B,1997, 770-794.
6 "Aspects of the Human Condition in Classical Thasos in Light of the Hippocratic Writings and Paleopathology", Book of Abstracts, 24th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, 1-2 April, 1997, St. Louis, Missouri.
5 "The Archaeo-Anthropological Research Results of the Classical Project in Thasos" [co-author],Book of Abstracts, International Conference for the Archaeology in Macedonia & Thrace, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, 1997.
4 "Reflections of the human condition in Prehistoric Thasos: Aspects of the palaeoecological and anthropological record from the settlement of Kastri". Thasos: Matiè²¥s prè©eres et T飨nologie de la Prehistoire à  ®os jours. Book of Abstracts: Int. Colloquium on Thasos, 1995, Thasos, Greece.
3 "The Testimony of the Palaeopathological Osseous Record: Reconstructions of the Human Condition During Late Bronze Age in the Northeastern Aegean", Paleopathology Association Newsletter: Abstracts, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, 1995, Oakland, CA.
2 "The Thasos-Kastri Archaeo-anthropological Project", Research & Exploration: A Scholarly Publication of the National Geographic Society, V.10(4), 1994.
1 "Linen Thread Fragment" in Chi. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki (ed) "Proto-Historic Thasos", Archaeologiko Deltio No. 45, Vol:2,p:803, 1992-1993.
AEGEAN (Island of Samothrace, Greece) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
1 "Report on the Human Skeletal Remains from Classical Samothrace", 1994, Archaeological Report, [Archival. Prehistoric and Classical Museum of Komotini IH' Ephoreia of the Greek Archaeological Service. Referee Archaeologist: Dr. Ch. Matsas].
AEGEAN (Abdera coastal area, Greece) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
28 “Destined to succeed. The Clazomenean Colonization at Abdera in Retrospect as Substantiated by the Anthropological Record: Demographic /Paleopathologic Comparisons with the Klazomenaean Metropolis”. Abstracts, Archeologies et Sciences de l’Antiquite Séminaires-Conférences Maison René Ginouvés, CNRS – Université de Paris I – Université de Paris Quest Nanterre La Défense – Ministére de la Culture. 11/17-20/2010, Paris, France.
27 “Polystylon: A Thracian Byzantine Town in the Context of Historical Developments During the 6th – 14th Centuries as Depicted by its Archaeo-Anthropological Record”. Abstracts, Thirty-Sixth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 10/7-1-/2010.
26 “Early Evidence of Cranial Surgical Intervention in Abdera, Greece, a Nexus to On Head Wounds of the Hippocratic Corpus”. Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, Vol.6, No.1, 5-18, 2006.
25 "Physical Anthropology and Human Skeletal Remains: The Abdera/Polystylon Project (Three Cemeteries from the 6th to the 14th centuries)", (Abstract accepted by review committee but not presented in Congress due to schedule conflict) Proceedings of the 21st Congress of Byzantine Studies,Abstracts of Panel Papers, pp:65-66, Byzantine National Committee of the Association Internationale des Etudes Byzantines/Patron HRH The Prince of Walles, London, United Kingdom.
24 "Early Evidence of Cranial Surgical Intervention in Abdera, Greece: A Nexus to 'On Head Wounds' of the Hippocratic Corpus", Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 6:1 (2006), 5-18.
For a free PDF file visit:
23 "Artful Surgery: Greek Archaeologists Discover Evidence of a Skilled Surgeon Who Practiced Centuries Before Hippocrates". Archaeology, V:59.2 (2006), 26-99.
22 "The Clazomenean Colonization Endeavor at Abdera in Retrospect: Evidence from the Anthropological Record". Klazomenai, Teos and Abdera: Metropoleis and Colony, Proceedings of International Symposium. Eds. A. Moustaka, E. Skarlatidou, M.-C. Tzannes, and Y. Ersoy. Published by the 19th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2004, 327-349.
21 "A Successful Cranial Surgical Operation of the 7th c. BC in Greece, and Nexus to the late 5th century BC Hippocratic Recommendations in the Treatise On Cephalic Wounds". Paleopathology Newsletter: Abstracts. Paleopathology Association, 31st Annual North America Meeting, Tampa, Florida, April 13-14, 2004.
20 "On the Clazomenean Quest in Thrace during the 7th and 6th centuries BC, as Revealed through Anthropological Archaeology", Eulimene, Int. J. Mediterranean Archaeological & Anthropological Society, V:2, (2001), pp:161-186
19 "Summarizing Anthropological-Demographic Report on Perinatal, Infancy I, and Infancy II Individuals Recovered from Burial Sites of Ancient Abdera", In Kallintzi, Nt. "Burial Customs and Practices of Young Individuals During Antiquity in Abdera" , Proceedings of the International Symposium on Necropoles-Simata, Funerary Customs and Practices in the Mediterranean from 1100 BC/BCE to 400 AD/CE, Publications of the Ministry Culture, Greece (forthcoming).
18 "Human Cremations in Archaic Abdera" in E. Skarlatidou on "The Cremation of Humans in Abdera During the Early Archaic Period", Cremations in Bronze and Early Iron Age, Proceedings of Int. Symposium, Ministries of the Aegean, and of Culture, Greece, 2001, pp: 331-343.
17 "Aspects of Demography and Palaeopathology among the Hellenistic Abderetes in Thrace, Greece". Eulimene, Int. J. Mediterranean Archaeological & Anthropological Society, Rethymnon, Greece, 2000, V:1, pp:13-24.
16 "The Human Condition During the 7th c. BC in Abdera, Greece, as Revealed through Physical & Forensic Anthropology". Chapter, in E. Skarlatidou, Unpublished Doctoral dissertation, <The Archaic Component of Abdera>, Archival Report, University of Thessaloniki, Dept. of History and Archaeology, Chair of dissertation committee Prof. A. Tiberios (submitted in 2000).
15 "Paleopathology of Archaic Infants in Abdera, Greece", Abstracts, 26th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, April 27-28, 1999, Columbus, Ohio.
14 Agelarakis A., and H. Bakirtzis "Cemeteries of Polystylon/ Abdera: On Burial Customs and Practices in the Rhodopes", Rhodopica, 1998, V: 57-68, Smolyan, Bulgaria.
13 "Excavations at Polystylon (Abdera) Greece: Aspects of Mortuary Practices and Skeletal Biology", Archaiologiko Deltio, 1997, V: 47, Greek Archaeological Society.
12 "Deciphering the Archaeological Record through Physical Anthropology: Ramifications of Social Hierarchy at Abdera During the Early Classical Time Period", Actes 2e Symposium International Des Etudes Thraciennes: Thrace Ancienne, 1997, V:2, 849-866.
11 "Archaeo-anthropological and Palaeoenvironmental Investigations at the Infant Burial Ground of Archaic Abdera", Archaeological report, 5 pages, [Archival. Referee Archaeologist: E. Skarlatidou, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Greek Archaeological Service, Thessaloniki, Greece.
10 "Results of Anthropological Investigations in Classical Abdera: Cremated and Dry Human Osseous Materials" Chapter, in Archaeological Investigations in Classical Abdera by N. Kallintzi, Archaeological Research in Thrace during Prehistoric and Classical Antiquity, Publications of the Ministry of Culture, 1994-95, Athens, Greece.
9 "Social Hierarchy in a Classical Society at Abdera as Revealed by New Archaeological Perspectives of the Human Skeletal Record", Book of Abstracts: 57, Ministry of Culture, Second International Symposium of Ancient Thracian Studies, September 20-27, 1992 , Greece.
8 "Human Environments in a Classical Greek Society, as Revealed by the Palaeopathological Evidence", Paleopathology Association Newsletter: Abstracts, 19th Annual Meeting of APA, Las Vegas, 1992.
7 "Archaeological Reconstructions of the Late Byzantine Polystylon Population", Research and Exploration: A Scholarly Publication of the National Geographic Society, 1992, Vol:8:119
6 "Aspects of Skeletal Biology from the Byzantine Sites of Abdera, Greece", Paleopathology Association Newsletter: Abstracts, 18th Annual Meeting of APA, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1991.
5 Agelarakis A., and Ar. Agelarakis "The Palaeopathological Evidence, Indicators of Stress and Dietary Evaluations from two Skeletal Populations, a Middle and a Late Byzantine, from Polystylon Abdera, Greece", Byzantinische Forschungen, V.(XIV), 9-26, 1989.
4 "Palaeoenvironmental and Palaeopathological Conditions of the Human Skeletal Remains of the Fifth Century BC Cemetery in Abdera, Greece", Archaeological Report, 1984, [Archival. Prehistoric and Classical Museum of Kavala. Referee Archaeologist: L. Cranioti].
3 "Palaeopathological Conditions on Human Skeletal Remains from the Fourth Century BC, Abdera", Archaeological Report, 1983,[Archival. Prehistoric and Classical Museum of Kavala. Referee Archaeologist: Ch. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, Director of the Museum, and Ephor of Antiquities].
2 "Palaeopathological and Palaeoenvironmental Conditions at the Seventh Century BC Burial Ground in Abdera, Greece", Archaeological Report, 1984, [Archival. Prehistoric and Classical Museum of Komotini. Referee Archaeologists: Dr. E. Skarlatidou; and Dr. Ch. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, Ephor & Regional Director of Archaeological Projects, Kavala].
1 "Physical Anthropology, Palaeopathology, and Dietary Patterns of the Middle and Late Byzantine Sites at Polystylon Abdera", Archaeological Report, 1983, [Archival. Byzantine Ephoreia of Kavala. Referee Archeologist: Ch. Bakirtzis, Ephor, and Prof. of Byzantine Archaeology at the University of Thessaloniki, Greece].
AEGEAN (Pericoastal Kavala, and Amphipolis), and (Endoplains of Drama, and Serres, Greece) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
6 Physical Anthropological Report on the Cremated Human Remains of an Individual Retrieved from the Amphipolis Agora. Appendix in Ch. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, Excavating Classical Amphipolis. Excavating Classical Culture: Recent Archaeological Discoveries in Greece (eds) Maria Stamatopoulou and Marina Yeroulanou. Beazley Archive - Studies in Classical Archaeology 1, BAR S1031, 2002.
5 “Scarred for Life: A Wounded Warrior from Late Classical Period in Mesokomi, Serres”, in B. Poulios “Late Classical Graves in Mesokomi of Serrres”, Proceedings of International Conference: Serres and its Region from Ancient to Post-Byzantine Society, 1998, Vol. A, pp: 78-122.
4 "The Spartan General Brasidas of the Peloponnesian War: Forensic Assessment of Human Cremation Retrieved from the Agora of Amphipolis", Archival Report, 1998, Museum of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Kavala, Referee Archaeologist: Dr. Ch. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, Ephor of IH' Archaeological District Archaeological Investigations.
3 "An Anthropologic Investigation of the Ammolophoi Site Burials", Archaeological Report, 1991, 11 pages [Prehistoric and Classical Museum of Kavala. Referee Archaeologist: L. Cranioti].
2 "The Iron Age Tomb in the District of Drama, Greece: Anthropological Implications", Archaeological Report, 1994, [Archival. Prehistoric and Classical Museum of Kavala / IH' Ephoreia of the Greek Archaeological Service. Referee Archaeologist: Dr. Ch. Koukouli.
1 "Report on the Human Cremated Remains, Recovered in the Region of Drama", Archaeological Report, 1978, [Archival. Prehistoric and Classical Museum of Kavala. Referee Archaeologist: Ch. Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, Museum director and Ephor of IH' Ephoreia/District of Hellenic antiquities].
AEGEAN (Pericoastal Thrace: Makri, Greece) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
2 "Skeletal Remains from the Neolithic Site of Makri-Thrace: A Preliminary Report". Proceedings of the Second Symposium of the Hellenic Archaeometrical Society: Archaeometrical and Archaeological Research in Macedonia and Thrace, 1996, Greece.
1 "Skeletal Remains from the Neolithic Site of Makri-Thrace. A Preliminary Report", Book of Abstracts, Hellenic Archaeometric Society, 2nd Symposium of the Hellenic Archaeometrical Society: Archaeometrical and Archaeological Research in Macedonia and Thrace, 1993, Greece.
AEGEAN (Endoplains of Thrace, Greece) (Go to "Interactive Culture Map of Greece", add legends as needed, then do a final zoom to "Archaeological Sites")
9 "Archaeological Anthropology at the Tumulus of Mikri Doxipara-Zoni" in (Eds.) D. Triantaphyllos, and D. Terzopoulou, Horses and Wagons in the Ancient World, Proceedings of Scientific Meeting, Orestiada-Greece, Sept. 30, 2006, pp:127-131.
8 “Military Life at an Ancient Greek Fort at Kastro Kalyves in Thrace, Greece” Abstracts in Annual Bulletin, Archaeological Institute of America, Annual Meeting 2010, Anaheim, California, January 6-9, 2010.
7 "The Role of Anthropological Archaeology in the Research Project of Mikri Doxipara-Zoni", Abstract, International Symposium Horses and Wagons in the Ancient World: Research, Protection and Enhancement of the Finds of the Burial Mound of Mikri Doxipara-Zoni, Prefecture of Evros, Greek Ministry of Culture, Sept. 30-Oct. 1, 2006, University of Orestiada, Greece.
6 "Summarizing Anthropological-Demographic Report on Human Cremations from Burial Mounts of the Evros Region", In Terzopoulou, D. "The Burial Custom of Human Cremations in Evros, Thrace" Proceedings of the Inter. Symposium on Necropoles-Simata, Funerary Customs and Practices in the Mediterranean from 1100 BC/BCE to 400 AD/CE, Ministry of Culture, Greece, (forthcoming).
5 "The Anthropology of the Kossynthos River Site", in Triantaphyllos, D., "On the Ancient Thracian Funerary Customs in the Region of Xanthi", Archaeologiko Deltio, (forthcoming).
4 "Ladi 1998: A Brief Anthropological Forensic and Paleopathological Report", In D. Terzopoulou "Burial Mound at Ladi of Didymoteichon" Archaeologiko Ergo sti Macedonia kai Thraki, V:12, pp:20-29, 2000, Ministry of Culture, Greece.
3 "Physical Anthropological Report on the Iron Age Kossynthos River Thracians", Archival Report with the Ephoreia of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities at the Archaeological Museum of Komotini, Thrace, Greece, (submitted in 1999).
2 "Anthropological Report on the Kastro-Kalyves fort site in Thrace", Archival Report with the Ephoreia of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities at the Archaeological Museum of Komotini, Thrace, Greece. Submitted in 1999.
1 "Byzantine Buildings of the Palaiologan Emperors in Didymoteichon: Analyses of Anthropological Remains", 1994, Archaeological Report, [Archival. Referee Archaeologists: Dr. Ch. Bakirtzis, Prof. of Byzantine Archaeology, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, and Ephor of the 12th Ephoreia of Byzantine Antiquities, Greece; and Prof. R. Ousterhout, School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
MIDDLE EAST (Cyprus, and Israel)
11 "The Amathous (tophet) cremations in Cyprus" in D. Christou on "Human Cremations at the Western Necropolis of Amathous" Cremations in Bronze and Early Iron Age, Proceedings of Int. Symposium, Ministries of the Aegean, and of Culture, Greece, 2001, pp: 201-204.
10 "The Osseous Record in the Western Necropolis of Amathous: an Archaeo-Anthropological Investigation", In Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus-Dodecanese-Crete 16th-6th c. B.C., Proceedings of the International Symposium: The Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus-Dodecanese-Crete 16th-6th c. B.C., Rethymnon, Crete, 1998, pp:217-232.
9 Agelarakis A., S. Paley, S. Porath, and J. Winnick "The Chalcolithic Burial Cave in Ma'avarot, Israel, and its Paleoanthropological Implications", International Journal of OsteoArchaeology, 1998, V8: 431-443.
8 "Paleopathology and its Contributions to the Decipherment of the Human Condition in Antiquity: A Preliminary Report for the Case of two Skeletal Populations from Malloura in Cyprus", Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 1997, 239-250.
7 Agelarakis a., Kanta A., and N. Stampolidis "The Testimony of the Archaeological Osseous Record in the Western Necropolis of Amathous in Cyprus: A Scientific Archaeo-Anthropological Investigation", Book of Abstracts, International Symposium on the Eastern Mediterranean: Cyprus, Dodecanese, Crete, 1500 - 500 B.C., 13-16 May, 1997, Rethymnon, Crete, Greece.
6 "Paleopathology and its contributions to the Decipherment of the Human Condition in Antiquity: The Case of two Populations from Malloura in Cyprus", Book of Abstracts of the Paleopathology Association, 1996, Durham, North Carolina.
5 "The Archaeo-Anthropological Record of the Ma'avarot Burial Cave: Implications for the Chalcolithic Levant", (in press?), Proceedings of the II World Congress on Mummy Studies, 1996, Universidad De Los Andes, Centro De Estudios En Bioanthropologia, Cartagena, Colombia.
4 Agelarakis A., and J. Winnick "Elucidating Perspectives of the Human Condition in the Chalcolithic Levant: Dietary and Biocultural Characteristics as Revealed by Dental Analysis of the Ma'avarot Skeletal Collection". Paleopathology Association Newsletter: Abstracts, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, 1995, Oakland, Ca.
3 "The Archaeo-Anthropological Record of the Ma'avarot Burial Cave: Implications for the Chalcolithic Levant", Book of Abstracts, II World Congress on Mummy Studies, 1995, Cartagena, Colombia.
2 "Report on the Classical to Hellenistic Human Skeletal Collection of the Royal Tomb No. 7 from Malloura, Athienou, Cyprus", 1994, Archaeological Report, [Archival, Dept. of Classics, Davidson College, North Carolina. Referee: Dr. M. K. Toumazou, Prof. of Classics, Davidson College].
1 "Results of the 1992 Adelphi University Anthropological Research Activities in Israel" Research & Exploration: A Scholarly Publication of the National Geographic Society, 9(2),93.
SW ASIA (Iran, and Iraq)
13 "Shanidar Proto-Neolithic Reflections Based on Osteology and Paleopathology", Abstract, XVth UISPP Congress/Workshop 26, Babies Reborn: Infant/Children Burials in Prehistory, Lisbon, 7-8 September 2006, Portugal.
12 Solechi R., Solecki Ro., and A. Agelarakis"The Proto-Neolithic Cemetery in Shanidar Cave", 2004, College Station, Texas A&M University Press.
11 Agelarakis, A., and Y. Serpanos "Inner Ear Palaeopathological Manifestations, Causative Agents, and Implications affecting the Proto-Neolithic Homo sapiens Population of Shanidar Cave, Iraq". Evolution, (2002), V:17.
10 "The Proto-Neolithic Human Population of Shanidar Cave", Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, March 24-28, 1999, Chicago, Illinois.
9 "The Shanidar Cave Proto-Neolithic Human Population: Aspects of Demography and Paleopathology" (in press?), in Actes du Congres de Paleontologie Humaine, Jerusalem. Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle, Centre Nat. de la Recher. Scient., Paris.
8 Agelarakis A., and B. Waddell 1994 Analysis of Non-Specific Indicators of Stress in Subadult Skeletons During the Agricultural Transition from Southwestern Asia. [Abstract]. HOMO 45(Supplement, Special Issue, Xth European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Göttingen, Germany, 29 August-3 September 1994
7 "The Shanidar Cave Proto-Neolithic Human Population: Aspects of Demography and Paleopathology", Human Evolution,1993, 8:(4), 235-253.
6 "Paleopathology and Manifestations of Stress at the Dawn of Sedentary Life: The Homo sapiens population of the Shanidar Cave", Paleopathology Association Newsletter: Abstracts, 20th Annual Meeting of the Am. Paleopathology. Ass.,1993, Toronto, Canada.
5 "Post-coronal Depression and Artificial Cranial Deformation: A Response" in response to Joe Zias Paleorient, 19:2, querying Meiklejohn and Agelarakis, In Paleorient 18:2.
4 "On the Origins of Cranial Artificial Deformation in SW Asia", Paleorient 1992-93. Christopher Meiklejohn (Un. of Winnipeg, Canada), Anagnostis Agelarakis (Adelphi Un, USA), Ralph Solecki (Texas A&M, USA), Philip Smith (Un. of Montreal, Canada), Peter Akkerman (Un. of The Netherlands).
3 "Stress and Adaptability Observed among the Proto-Neolithic Human Population of Shanidar Cave", Book of Abstracts:1, 3rd Int. Congress on Human Paleontology, Jerusalem, Israel, 1992.
2 "The Palaeopathological Evidence, Indicators of Stress of the Shanidar Proto-Neolithic and the Ganj-Dareh Tepe Early Neolithic Human Skeletal Collections" Columbia University, 1989, Doctoral Dissertation, UMI, Bell & Howell Information Company, Michigan 48106.
1 "Proto-Neolithic Human Skeletal Remains in the Zawi-Chemi Layer in Shanidar Cave", Sumer, XLV/1-2, 1987-88: 7-16.
SE ASIA (Thailand)
4 "Some Reconstructions of Human Conditions During the 3rd millennium BC in S.E. Asia", In South-East Asian Archaeology, 1992, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Rome, 1992, (Eds) R. Ciarla, and F. Rispoli, 1997, pp:99-117.
3 "The Archaeology of Human Bones: Prehistoric Copper Producing Peoples in the Khao Wong Prachan Valley, Central Thailand",In The Indo-Pacific Prehistory: The Chang Mai Papers, IPAA Bulletin, P. Bellwood (ed.), 1996, No. 14, V: I,133-139.
2 "Paleopathology and Markers of Occupational and Habitual Stress: The Human Condition in Bronze Age Thailand", Paleopathology Association Newsletter: Abstracts, 21st Annual Meeting of the American Palaeopathology Association, 1994.
1 "Some Reconstructions of Human Conditions During the 3rd millennium BC in S.E. Asia through the Bio-Archaeological Studies of Human Skeletal Remains", Book of Abstracts: 2, Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 4th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, 1992, Rome.
9 "The New York City Doctor's Mob of 1788" [co-author], Book of Abstracts, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 49th Annual Meeting, New York, 1997.
8 Monographed volume: "Archaeological Forensics and Paleopathology" in "The Excavation, Analysis, and Reconstruction of the Transitional Period, Late Woodland Period and Colonial Occupations at the Little Wood Creek Site, Fort Edward, Washington County, New York". (Reviewed by an inter-agency consortium of the New York State Historic Preservation Office, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation- Washington D.C., and U.S. EPA). U.S. EPA, and N.Y.S. Historic Preservation Office, 1990, Vol: IV.
7 Chapter: "The Environmental and Subsistence Patterns, Reconstructions" in "The Excavation, Analysis, and Reconstruction of the Transitional Period, Late Woodland Period and Colonial Occupations at the Little Wood Creek Site, Fort Edward, Washington County, New York". (Reviewed by an inter-agency consortium of the New York State Historic Preservation Office, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation- Washington D.C., and U.S. EPA). Publications of the U.S. E.P.A., and New York State Historic Preservation Office, 1990, Volume I: Section 1.8.
6 Chapters: a)"Environmental and Subsistence Patterns" Section 5.6;
b) "Regional and Inter-site Comparisons for Transitional and Late Archaic Periods" Section 5.6; and c)"The Contemporary Environmental Setting of the Little Wood Creek" Section 5.7, in "The Excavation, Analysis, and Reconstruction of the Transitional Period, Late Woodland Period and Colonial Occupations at the Little Wood Creek Site, Fort Edward, Washington County, New York"
(Reviewed by an inter-agency consortium of the New York State Historic Preservation Office, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation-Washington D.C., and U.S. EPA). Publications of the U.S. EPA, and N.Y., SHPO, 1990, Volume III.
5 Chapter: "Intra-site Spatial Analysis" co-author with Dr. Joel Grossman, in "The Excavation, Analysis, and Reconstruction of the Transitional Period, Late Woodland Period and Colonial Occupations at the Little Wood Creek Site, Fort Edward, Washington County, New York"
(Reviewed by an inter-agency consortium of the New York S.H.P.O, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation-Washington D.C., and U.S. EPA). Publications of the U.S. E. P. A., and New York S.H.P.O. , 1990, Volume I: 1.4, 1.9, 3.4; and Volume II: 4.4.
4 "Human Forensics" in Stage lb' 2 Archaeological Survey of the Madison Barracks, Sockets Harbor, N.Y., (Reviewed by the New York State's Office of Historic Preservation), 1989 [State of New York Historic Preservation Libraries].
3 "The Archaeological Forensic Analysis of the Human Skeletal Remains", in Archaeological Mitigation and Testing Report, Bowdoin Farm, Town of Poughkeepsie, Duchess County, N.Y., (Reviewed by the New York State Historic Preservation Office, and Department of Environmental Control), 1989, [N.Y., Dept. of Environmental Conservation & Cultural Resources Section Libraries].
2 Chapters: a) "Field Methods and Techniques", and b) "Geomorphological Stratification and Stratigraphy", in Report on the lb?2 Stage Archaeological Survey of the City Hall Park, New York City, 1989, [Landmarks Preservation Commission, New York SHPO, and Dept. of General Services of NY City. Re., and Project No: PW 292?44 & ONO 89 B 2017].
1 "The Archaeological Forensic Analysis of the Human Remains Recovered", in Cemetery Mitigation Report, Dayton Power & Light Service Facility, Miami Valley, Research Park Center, Ohio, (Reviewed by the New York State=s Office of Historic Preservation), 1987, [N.Y.S. H.P. Libraries].
2 Chapters: a) "Field Methods and Techniques", and
b) " Geomorphological and Stratigraphic Sequences", in Report on the Federally Funded Archaeological Mitigation of the Pre-Columbian Ceremonial Plaza and Settlement at Rincon, Puerto Rico, (Preliminary report reviewed and accepted by an inter-agency consortium of the Puerto Rican Environmental Quality Board, the P. R. State Historic Preservation Office, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation- Washington D.C., and U.S. EPA), 1995.
1 Chapters: a) "Site Excavation and Field Strategies";
b) "The Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of L-22 and L-23";
c) "The Loiza Data Recovery" co-author with Dr. Joel Grossman;
d) "Summary Results" co-author with Dr. Joel Grossman, in Excavation and Analysis Results of Archaeological Investigations at Mediania Alta (L-23) and Vieques (L-22) Loiza, Puerto Rico
(Reviewed by an inter-agency consortium of the Puerto Rican Environmental Quality Board, the P. R. State Historic Preservation Office, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation-Washington D.C., & U.S. EPA). U.S. EPA, and P.R.A.S.A. Publications, P.R., 1990/91. V.: I. Project Re. No: C 72 9423 U.S. EPA.
9 Book Review for "Studies in Crime: An Introduction to Archaeological Forensics". Hunter, J., Roberts, C., and A. Martin, 1997, Routledge, New York. American Journal of Archaeology,1998, V:102.
8 Book Review for "Making Faces: Using Archaeological and Forensic Evidence". Prag, J., and R. Neave, 1997, Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas. AJA, 1998, V:102.
7 "Greece" , In "A World History of Physical Anthropology: An Encyclopedia", Frank Spencer (ed.), 1997, Garland Press, New York.
6 "Hippocrates", In "A World History of Physical Anthropology: An Encyclopedia", F. Spencer (ed.), 1997, Garland Press, New York.
5 "Galen", In "A World History of Physical Anthropology: An Encyclopedia", F. Spencer (ed.), 1997, Garland Press, N.Y.
4 " A Field and Laboratory Manual for Archaeologists, for the Excavation, Documentation, and Preservation of Human Osseous Remains", Ariadne, 1996, V:8, 189-247.
3 "An Anthology of Hellenes involved with the Field of Physical Anthropology", International Journal of Anthropology, V:10, N.2-3., 1995/6.
2 "Race Assessment: Survey of Attitudes Among Physical/Forensic Anthropologists" [Co-author], Book of Abstracts, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 46th Annual Meeting, 1994.
1 "Environments and Human Ecology: Dynamic Factors in Processual Equations of Human Adaptations as seen from Archaeological Perspectives", a) Book of Pre-circulated Papers, II: 1-8, of the 1992 IV New World Conference on Rescue Archaeology & Environment and Archaeology, Organization of American States, USDA, Forest Service, in collaboration with the World Archaeological Congress, December 6-12, 1992, Puerto Rico; and, b) in the Proceedings of the Conference, 1996, IV New World Conference on Rescue Archaeology & Environment and Archaeology, Organization of American States, USDA, Forest Service, in collaboration with the World Archaeological Congress.